Ten Helpful Hints for New or Professional Storytellers

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Sometimes a simple reminder can put us back in charge of our craft as a professional storytellers. This storytelling thing we do is a powerful medium in our world of images and sound bites. And what better way to transport people into different worlds is through storytelling. Our modern world is built around how many … Read more

iPods in the Workplace: Diligence or Distraction?

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The most wonderful and irritating thing about iPods in the workplace, says author Barbara Pachter, is their ability to cut workers off from the real world. “The ‘pro’ part of it is that their music doesn’t really bother other people, and it may help some people focus.” she said. “The downside is that people get … Read more

Woody Allen’s “Match Point” (2005)

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The very first line I ever heard Woody Allen speak was a joke on the Tonight show (match point) concerning theological issues, about how, during a divinity test, he cheated by “looking into the soul of the girl sitting next to me.” I believe that he used a clip from such a stand up routine … Read more

Ten Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters

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An at-a-glance guide to becoming a better, more productive, more successful screenwriters! “Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of,” — Unknown “Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones,” — Benjamin … Read more

Gaming Hall of Fame: American Casino Game Leaders

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Each year, the American Casino Gaming Association awards the gaming industry leaders and entertainers by inducting them to the Gaming Hall of Fame. Here you can read about some of the Gaming Hall of Fame past and present inductees. Since 1989, the American casino gaming industry honors some its selected members by inducting them into … Read more

Cast Away

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I am sure that there will be wags who glibly compare with similar Cast Away “Gilligan Island” and “breadwinner”, but, in tone, approach and common achievement, it is atypical Robinson Crusoe tale bears a strong resemblance to one of director Robert Zemeckis earlier efforts , contacts. No, not Cast Away space or messages from another … Read more

Selling your Art Online – Website Tips For Artists

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If you plan to sell your art online with your own unique website, my advice is simple: Be Different! There are hundreds of artist websites online today that are all making the same mistakes. The first problem I would like to note, is the use of long multimedia presentations that artists are incorporating into their … Read more

Where And Why – The Smart Buy Art

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Since the days when cavemen began drawing on the walls – everyone has, at some point, displayed buy art in their home. In the beginning it was probably something we painted ourselves at kindergarten, aged four and a half, for mum to proudly display on the fridge in the kitchen, developing in our teens to … Read more

The Secret Benefit Of Accessibility Part 1: Increased Usability

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Popular article outlining how a website optimised for accessibility also improves its usability Web accessibility has so many benefits that I really do wonder why such a large number of websites have such diabolically bad accessibility. One of the main benefits is increased usability, which according to usability guru, Jakob Nielson, can increase the sales/conversion … Read more