Happy Trails, America! But Where Are They?

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Judging by the current national sentiment, Uncle Sam has once again wandered off the happy trails on which we’d prefer him to ride. But can we, just the usual joshing sidekick, possibly help him wend his way back through the tumbleweeds? Well, at least, we can give it a go. To begin, let’s ask how … Read more

Rural Relocation – Considerations and Adjustments

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Are the pressures, noise and congestion of life in the urban jungle causing you to consider goin’ country? Considering rural relocation? Be careful what you wish for! So you’re thinking about going country? It’s time to abandon the frenzy of city life, drop the ‘G’ from the end of your verbs and trade your Gucci … Read more

Just Say No To Sex. Dr. Coburn Shows You How! 1/6

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(Extended spoof, presented In 10 installments of 4 pages each. This is the first installment of ‘just say no to sex’; previous installments will also be on this site , in case you miss one.) “Excellent, Dan! See you today for your first class,” Dr. Richard Coburn told the university’s star football player, who had … Read more

Just Say No To Sex. Dr. Coburn Shows You How! 2/6

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(Extended spoof, presented In 10 installments of 4 pages each. This is the second installment of ‘just say no to sex’; previous ones are included on this site, in case you miss one.) “They all seem impressively genuine in their intentions,” Dr. Coburn replied. “As young people are prone to do, they actually want to … Read more

Just Say No To Sex. Dr. Coburn Shows You How! 3/6

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(Extended spoof, presented In 10 installments of 4 pages each. This is the third installment of ‘just say no to sex’; previous ones are available on this site and presented below each new installment at NewsLaugh, in case you miss one or more.) He closed it, thought for a moment, and recomposed himself. Then he … Read more

Just Say No To Sex. Dr. Coburn Shows You How! 4/6

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(Extended spoof, presented In 10 installments of 4 pages each. This is the fourth installment of ‘just say no to sex’; previous ones are presented below each new installment, in case you miss one or more.) “But before I move on to the next section,” Dr. Coburn told Dan, “let me point out that you … Read more

Just Say No To Sex; Dr. Coburn Shows You How! 5/6

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(Extended spoof, presented In 10 installments of 4 pages each. This is the fifth installment of ‘Just say no to sex’; previous ones are presented on this site or at newslaugh.com below each new installment, in case you miss one or more.) Then he headed for the door, as Melanie went upstairs. He drew it … Read more

Just Say No To Sex; Dr. Coburn Shows You How! 6/6

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(Extended spoof, presented In 10 installments of 4 pages each. This is the sixth installment; previous ones are presented on this site or below each new installment, Just say no to sex, at NewsLaugh, in case you miss one or more.) “Good. You won’t be sorry. She knows the material very nearly as well as … Read more

How A Head Cold Got Me Married

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Now that I’m really settled down for bad or good, I can’t help but reflect on my lengthy past as a happy-go-lucky single. How can I forget the many bizarre, head cold, crazy, and benighted times I’ve misled myself into a man’s twin loving arms, and how very much I miss loving every minute of … Read more