79 Mozilla Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts you should know

We compiled 79 keyboard shortcuts to get the most out of Mozilla’s browser.

Mozilla’s browser is probably one of the best alternatives to Google Chrome that we can currently find. Part of its success is also due to the keyboard shortcuts that Mozilla Firefox integrates and that allow us to automate certain actions through simple key combinations. On this occasion, we have made a compilation of several keyboard shortcuts to use with the open-source browser in 2021.

Simple keyboard shortcuts for Mozilla firefox navigation

What would an Internet browser be without the commands that allow us to scroll within a web page, go back to the previous web page, or reload the page content? Let’s take a look at some of the simplest commands that allow us to interact with the different elements of the browser.

  • Highlight next link or section: Tab key
  • Highlight previous link or section: Shift + Tab key
  • Advance in the page: Page Up (Page Down), Down Arrow, or Spacebar.
  • Go back in the page: Up Arrow or Shift + Space bar
  • Go to the bottom of the page: End or Control + Date down
  • Go to the top of the page: Go to the top of the page: Home or Control + Date up
  • Go to the next frame: F6
  • Go to the previous frame: Shift + F6
  • Print page: Control + P
  • Save highlighted link: Alt + Enter
  • Save page as: Control + S
  • Increase page size: Control + ‘+
  • Decrease page size: Control + ‘-‘
  • Reset page size: Control + 0
  • Go to the previous page: Alt + Left Arrow or Backspace
  • Go to next page: Alt + Right Arrow or Shift + Backspace
  • Go to home page: Alt + Home
  • Open file from browser: Control + O
  • Reload page: F5 or Control + R
  • Reload replacing cache: Control + F5 or Control + Shift + R
  • Stop loading: Escape

Firefox keyboard shortcuts for tabs and windows

Controlling tabs and windows is also possible through keyboard shortcuts in Firefox. This way, we can navigate between the different open tabs, at the same time we can close web pages or create new tab bookmarks, among many other functions.

  • Close tab: Control + W or Control + F4
  • Close window: Control + Shift + W or Alt + F4
  • Access tabs in the most recently used order: Control + Tab
  • Exit: Control + Shift + Q
  • Go one tab to the left: Control + Back page
  • Move one tab to the right: Control + Page Up
  • Move selected tab to the left: Control + Shift + Up arrow
  • Move selected tab to the right: Control + Shift + Down Arrow
  • Move selected tab to the beginning: Control + Shift + Start
  • Move selected tab to the end: Control + Shift + End
  • Mute or mute audio of the selected tab: Control + M
  • Open new tab: Control + T
  • Open new window: Control + N
  • Open new private window: Control + Shift + P
  • Open highlighted bookmark or link in current tab: Enter
  • Undo action Close Tab: Control + Shift + T
  • Undo action Close window: Control + Shift + N
  • Select tab (from 1 to 8): Control + 1 to 8
  • Select last tab: Control + 9
  • Move URL to the right or left (only if the cursor is located in the address bar): Control + Shift + X
  • Add tabs to bookmarks: Control + Shift + D
  • Add the selected page to bookmarks: Control + D
  • Open bookmarks side panel: Control + B or Control + I
  • Open Catalog panel: Control + Shift + B
  • Show list of all bookmarks: Space bar
  • Open Downloads folder: Control + J

Advanced search commands in Mozilla firefox

Searching within a web browser is one of the most useful functions if we want to find certain words, phrases, or items without resorting to third-party tools. Like any self-respecting browser, Firefox has a whole string of search keyboard shortcuts that allow us to automate some functions.

  • Search within the page: Control + F
  • Search again: F3 or Control + G
  • Find previous match: Shift + F3 or Control + Shift + G
  • A quick search only in the text of links: ‘
  • Quick search: /
  • Close the search or quick search bars: Esc

If we keep the search or quick search bars of the browser active, we can use the following commands:

  • Focus on search bar: Control + K or Control + E
  • Change default search engine: Control + Up Arrow Control + Down Arrow (in the search bar or in the New Tab section)
  • View menu to change, add or manage search engines: Alt + Up Arrow, Alt + Down Arrow, or F4 (when search bar is active)

Key shortcuts to control firefox pdf viewer

Did you know that Mozilla Firefox has a PDF viewer? Yes, it does. In fact, the tool has nothing to envy the native viewer of Microsoft Edge or Adobe Acrobat Reader, the most popular views of the last decade. To access this viewer we will only have to select the browser from the Open with a menu or click on Open file with Mozilla Firefox open.

  • Next page: N, J, or Right Arrow
  • Previous page: P or K or Arrow to left
  • Zoom in: Control + ‘+’
  • Zoom out: Control + ‘-‘ 
  • Restore default zoom: Control + 0
  • Rotate the document clockwise: R
  • Rotate the document counterclockwise: Shift + R
  • Switch to Layout mode: Control + Alt + P
  • Open the Text Selection tool: S
  • Open the Manual Selection tool: H
  • Select the box indicating the page number: Control + Alt + G

Firefox keyboard shortcuts for advanced tools

Along with Google Chrome, Firefox is one of the most suitable browsers for programmers and developers of applications and web pages. Mozilla knows this and has created a whole list of advanced tools that allow us to inspect elements one by one, view the source code of a web page, or open a command console.

  • Open Plugins window: Control + Shift + A
  • Swap tools: F12 or Control + Shift + I
  • Open Web Console window: Control + Shift + K
  • Open Inspector window: Control + Shift + C
  • Open Debugger window: Control + Shift + S
  • Open Style Editor window: Shift + F7
  • Open Profiler window: Shift + F5
  • Open the Network window: Control + Shift + E
  • Open Developer Toolbar window: Shift + F2
  • Open Adaptive Design View window: Control + Shift + M
  • Open the Eraser window: Shift + F4
  • Open Page Source Code window: Control + U
  • Open the Error Console window: Control + Shift + J
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