Who Killed Heath Ledger?

Who Killed Heath Ledger?

Can our beloved Heath Ledger death be at least one catalyst that will draw this devastating travesty to the public’s attention to demand more information? The first time I saw Heath Ledger, it was by accident. My date and later to-be husband, Nick, took me to see ‘The Sixth Sense’, finally succumbing to peer pressure … Read more

Addiction to Fame and Celebrity

Addiction to Fame and Celebrity

As far as their fans are concerned, celebrities fulfil two emotional functions: they provide a mythical narrative (a story that the fan can follow and identify with) and they function as blank screens onto which the fans project their dreams, hopes, fears, plans, values, and desires (wish fulfilment). So then we have an addiction to … Read more

Celebrity Baby Names

Celebrity Baby Names

Celebrities are not like everyday people. They have busy schedules, drive expensive cars, and wear jewelry that others can only dream of owning. Maybe it is because celebrities are so far removed from normal life that they often give their babies unusual celebrity baby names. Some names are just a little different. John Travolta and … Read more

Paris Hilton the Modern Day Aphrodite

Paris Hilton the Modern Day Aphrodite

Paris Hilton is the modern day Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love. The internet was just born and already it has 6 billion websites, one for every person on Earth today. Human beings are obsessed with writing and even more obsessed with Paris Hilton, the number one search on the internet. Lets get to know … Read more

U2 Legends of Rock

U2 Legends of Rock

U2 was founded in 1976 and features Bono (Paul David Hewson) on vocals, The Edge (David Howell Evans) on lead guitar, keyboards, and background vocals, Adam Clayton on bass guitar, and Larry Mullen, Jr. on drums and background vocals. These are the legends of rock. The band found popularity in the mid 1980’s and is … Read more

The Beatles are the Most Creative Band of All Time

The Beatles are the Most Creative Band of All Time

The Beatles phenomenon went way beyond any kind of stardom that had ever been seen before because of their creative songwriting abilities, their musical abilities and their charismatic personalities. BACKGROUND HISTORY: The first musical bands originated in New Orleans among black musicians who have traditionally been the innovators. The first jazz record ever recorded was … Read more

Will Technology Advances Limit Entertainment Choices?

Will Technology Advances Limit Entertainment Choices?

Hollywood has recently been telling America about the financial trouble the movie industry is facing despite technology advances. In response, Americans have asked Hollywood to start producing movies that are good enough to watch and worth the ten dollars theaters charge! Over the past four years ticket sales for new movies have steadily decreased. Why … Read more

Love and Courage

Love and Courage

Perhaps these two concepts (love and courage) are the most important of philosophy as they capture the essense of life, in terms of its fundamental purpose and the sustained and vigorous effort necessary for achieving this purpose. I invite you to take this article as an opportunity to reflect on these concepts. And may you … Read more

The Quest for Truth and the Meaning of Life

The Quest for Truth and the Meaning of Life

How committed to the quest for truth are we? Do we readily indulge in fancy at the expense of truth, because fancy appears more consistent with our wishes? What if truth was compatible with meaning and happiness within the limits of life, provided wisdom brought it to light? All too often, the quest for truth … Read more