How to call on Teams | Step by Step Guide

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In recent times, due to a pressing work commitment, you and your colleagues need to communicate and collaborate while working remotely. Here, then, that to cope with this demanding phase you have thought of using Teams, Microsoft’s productivity software that allows you to organize virtual workgroups within which you can exchange files, messages and make … Read more

Clubhouse vs the new Spotify greenroom, what are the differences?

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A new alternative arrives on the market of live audio apps. We compare Clubhouse vs. the new Spotify Greenroom, what are the differences. New options are constantly emerging in the market. After the launch of Twitter Spaces and Facebook Live Audio Rooms, we are now witnessing the battle of Clubhouse versus the new Spotify Greenroom, … Read more

How to reject an email to the sender | Step by Step Guide

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Sometimes it can happen to receive unwanted emails from one or more senders and be particularly annoyed by this phenomenon, commonly known as spam: fortunately, however, in most cases, this kind of unpleasant situation is resolved in the bud by applying the appropriate spam filters, now provided by most email services. In other circumstances, however, … Read more