In this blog, you can get to know every basic feature that every Snapchat users must know
How to Add Friends to Snapchat Account
once you’ve created an account and have signed into Snapchat
A screen will appear that says find your friends press continue and allow Snapchat to access your contacts
the app will then go through your directory and create a list of people in your contacts that use Snapchat
Tap the add button on the right side of contacts to be able to send snaps and view stories
if you press skip on that first screen for finding friends no problem you can also add friends by tapping on the icon on the top right it depicts a person and a plus sign in a circle
this will also pull up people that use Snapchat from your contacts again you can add someone by tapping the add button to the right of their name
if you want to follow specific influencers or people who aren’t in your contacts hit the find friends bar and type in the person’s name or username
Press the subscribe button to the right of their name and you’ll be able to see their snaps
How to take a snap in Snapchat
Now let’s take our first snap double-tap anywhere on the screen to switch from your phone’s front and back cameras to take a photo tap the big white circle on the bottom of the screen
To take a video hold down the white button and let go when you’re finished recording
How to edit Snaps
To use a filter in your snap tap on the smiley face on the bottom right scroll through your options and when you’ve picked your filter of choice tap it to take a photo or hold it down to take a video
Snapchat allows you to edit your snaps in several ways to add text tap anywhere on the snap and a text bar will appear after you type what you want you can change the color by using the sliding scale on the top right
you can also change the font by tapping through the options on your text when you’re done editing your text press done on your keyboard
you can now move the text around anywhere on the screen with your finger use two fingers to angle the text and adjust the size
you can also draw on the snap tap on the stylus icon on the right to pull up your color options
once you’ve selected a color you can use two fingers to change the stroke size use your finger to draw anywhere on the snap
if you want to undo a stroke hit the curved arrow on the top right to finish drawing tap the stylus icon
tap on the page icon below the stylus to add stickers the time the weather and more to your snap you can use your fingers to change the position angle and size of these as well add even more flair to your snap by scrolling through background filters
swipe left to go through general and location-specific options if your snap is a photo use the timer icon on the bottom right to choose how many seconds someone can see the snap from one second to no limit
How to Send Snap in Snapchat
To send your snap hit the send to icon
on the bottom right you will have the option to send the snap to individual friends all of your friends or to make it public to send to individual friends tap their names and confirm by pressing send on the bottom right
you can unselect friends by tapping on their names a second time
sending the snap to your story means that all of your friends will be able to see your snap for 24 hours
To post to your story tap my story and hit send on the bottom right
you can also post your snap to the snap map which means that every Snapchat user can see your story
Settings In Snapchat
you can change your settings by tapping your Snapchat icon in the top left followed by the settings wheel on the right
scroll down to who can and adjust who can contact you, view your story and see your location to chat with friends
How to chat on Snapchat
Swipe left to see your friends page here you can talk to friends you just snapped by tapping their names
you can type, take another snap, send stickers and send photos and videos from your camera roll to chat with any of your Snapchat friends
Tap the icon on the top right scroll through your friends and tap the person or people you want to chat with selecting multiple people will start a group chat
press the chat button at the bottom of the screen to type, take a snap, send stickers or send photos and videos from your camera roll
To go back to the home screen swipe right or hit the camera icon in the bottom center
Tap the search icon in the top left to bring up horoscopes, games, friends, popular snap stars shows
Tap on shows and publishers and hit subscribe to start seeing their content on the discover page for shows and publishers you can advance through the content by pressing swiping right from the camera screen will bring you to everything you are following
On top, you will see your friend’s stories below you will find the discover content including your subscriptions
Check out: Snapchat Tips, Tricks And Hacks
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