Phone Heating Up When Charging – Causes, Problems, and Solutions

People who use modern smartphones often notice that the device gets very hot, which can sometimes be a sign of more serious issues. But on the other hand, some heating is a normal response to more work when playing demanding games or high-quality material. We will try to figure out the main signs of burning and how to fix the problem of too much temperature rise.

What temperature is considered normal and how to determine it

If you want to figure out if the phone is hot, you can look at some “normal” temperatures that are normal for how the device normally works. All that is needed is to compare real temps to this number, and then it is clear that something is wrong.

Lots of the time, the technical information for phones doesn’t say what value is wanted, so issues may happen. Most of the time, it’s best to just pay attention to certain feelings while on the phone. When the small device in your hand starts to feel different, you should at least give it a quick checkup.

We can start with a setting of 50 degrees Celsius if there are no clear lines to draw. When the device gets hot, the battery, chips, and display grid break down much more quickly. A hot device is also not very comfortable to hold in your hand.

You can use a pyrometer, thermometer, or thermal imager to get the most accurate and easy reading of the phone’s temperature. This second device can be added to a smartphone and also helps figure out where the burning is happening.

But not everyone has the right tools on hand. This is when special tools will come in handy. On Apple phones, special software is already installed, but Android users only need to download the AIDA64 program.

After setting up the app, you need to open it and select the “Temperature” tab. You can see the temperature of all the sensors in the phone there, such as those near the cameras, batteries, lights, and other parts.

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Causes and remedies

Many times, a smartphone’s temperature going up is caused by two main things:

Chemical processes that give off heat as the current flows through the conductors.

When the gadget is working, each of its parts always uses a certain amount of electricity. Some of the power is turned into heat in this case. And the heating is more visible the more current that flows through the wires.

In the battery, different chemical processes are always going on. They stand out the most when the component is charging or under a lot of stress. When these kinds of events happen, a lot of heat is given off and spread to all the elements nearby. Smartphone designers make systems that get rid of heat quickly and effectively, so that when everything is normal, the user shouldn’t feel any pain from the heat.

You should look into the problem if the owner of the mobile device started to notice that it gets very hot when it’s being used for simple jobs and even when it’s not being used at all. Let us look more closely at what makes this problem happen and how to fix it.

Problems with iron

The processor, main board, and other parts of every smartphone use electricity while they’re working. Not all of it works, though, because some of it is always turned into heat. The current indicators have a direct effect on the amount and intensity of the heating.

When you run demanding programs and new games, all of your system’s parts are put under more stress. A lot of power is sent to the processor and graphics chip in particular. Also, there are times when a lot of current needs to go to the screen, different controllers, connection modules, and other phone blocks.

It’s normal for the phone to get hot when it’s being used a lot. But on a device that works, there shouldn’t be any problems while it’s starting up. Taking the case off your phone will help it get rid of heat better. Because of this, the top cover of the phone is better able to send heat into the room. Once the work with a difficult, resource-heavy app is finished, the case can be put back on.

The communication tools built into the smartphone should be given extra attention. Most of the time, they don’t bother anyone, even when they’re on all the time. But if all the units are turned on at the same time, the temperature in the area may rise.

The device can get so hot when it’s under a lot of use that it starts to burn your hands. This could mean that one or more internal parts have broken. If this kind of problem shows up, you should turn off the device right away and take it to a service place to be checked out. The wizards will check out the device and give you possible ways to get it back.

Software issues

In fact, apps by themselves can’t make the phone get hot. However, some apps really abuse the phone’s built-in resources, using the engine and other system parts to their fullest. Because of this, the temperature of these parts and the phone as a whole goes up.

This is true for both demanding games and heavy graphics programs and apps that seem easy to make but were actually made by programmers who aren’t very good at what they do. In this case, even the simplest tasks use peripheral resources in a very wasteful way. Because of this, it is not a good idea to regularly use illegal, questionable, or just plain weird programs.

The general performance of the system can also change the temperature of the phone when there is too much “garbage.” Not only do the leftovers of remote programs take up room on the drives, they can also keep accessing different services, which puts more stress on the hardware.

If you have a problem with your phone, you should restart it right away and then update the operating system to the most recent version. The people who work on software are trying to make it more up-to-date and energy-efficient.

The temperature of the device can be lowered by closing apps and services that aren’t being used. In places where the internet link isn’t stable, you might want to turn off automatic software updates because the phone will be constantly trying to connect to the network, which will slow it down.

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Overheating due to charger

A lot of phone makers say that you should only use the charger that came with your phone. In real life, this kind of advice is closely linked to businesses’ desire to make more money by selling cheap parts under their own name. There is no way for the phone battery to tell who made the memory, but it is very good at telling technical differences.

It is very important that the charger settings are correct for the battery type being used. Models made by unknown companies may produce a higher voltage, which will make the charge current go up. As a result, the battery regularly gets too hot while being charged, and it also fails before it should.

A lot of people use their phones while they’re charging, so this should be taken into account. In this case, the device’s temperature rise will be caused by two things at the same time: the flow of current during operation and chemical processes during charging. In this case, substantial overheating can happen even when using a fully working smartphone with a brand-new battery.

Stopping to use the device while it’s charging would be the best thing to do. You can easily break the connection to the charger if this is not handy. Taking off the cover is another option that would help the heat move around and give you full control of the situation. It is not advisable to use a smartphone that is very hot for a long time, as the high temperatures will damage the device’s internal parts over time.


Phone overheating while charging is a common issue that many users face. When your phone gets hot while charging, it can be concerning and may indicate a problem with the device. One of the main reasons your phone heats up while charging is due to fast charging, which can generate excess heat.

Charging your phone in direct sunlight can also cause it to overheat, as the external temperature can affect the internal components of the device. To prevent your phone from overheating, it is important to keep your phone cool while charging. You can do this by placing it in airplane mode or turning off unnecessary apps and functions that may be contributing to the heating issue.

If your phone is overheating frequently, it may be a sign of underlying heating issues that need to be addressed. Avoid leaving your phone charging overnight, as this can also contribute to the overheating problem. By taking these precautions and being mindful of how you charge your phone, you can prevent it from getting hot and ensure that it stays cool during the charging process.

There are several common reasons why your phone may be overheating while charging. One of the main culprits is using a fast charger or a third-party charger that may not be of good quality. These chargers can generate excess heat and cause your phone to heat up during the charging process. Additionally, poor ventilation around your phone can also contribute to overheating, as it restricts the heat dissipation process.

Wireless chargers, while convenient, can also lead to overheating if not used properly. It is important to ensure that your phone has adequate airflow and is not covered or insulated while charging wirelessly. Heat coming from the phone itself, especially from the battery, can also be a sign of overheating and should be addressed promptly to prevent damage to your device.

Running multiple apps and functions on your phone while it is charging can increase the heat generated by the device. This can impact the phone’s temperature and battery life, leading to overheating issues. To prevent your phone from getting too hot while charging, it is advisable to keep apps running to a minimum and avoid using the phone excessively during the charging process.

Some specific models, such as Samsung Galaxy phones, have been known to experience overheating issues during charging. This can be due to various factors, including the use of incompatible chargers or poor heat dissipation in the device. By being mindful of how you charge your phone and taking steps to keep it cool during the process, you can prevent overheating and ensure the longevity of your mobile phone.

Excessive heat can have a negative impact on your phone’s battery and overall performance. If your phone becomes excessively hot during the charging process, it could be a sign that your battery is reaching an unsafe temperature. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can degrade the battery’s health and reduce its lifespan. It’s important to take steps to prevent your phone from overheating, especially during periods of time when it is being charged.

Using quality chargers and power banks can help keep the charging process efficient and prevent the phone from getting too hot. Low-quality chargers or power banks can generate a lot of heat, causing the phone to work harder to manage its temperature. Additionally, using car chargers or charging your phone in direct sunlight can contribute to an overworked charging port and increased heat generation.

Adjusting your screen brightness and minimizing the use of power-intensive apps while charging can also help prevent your phone from overheating. Many Android phones offer settings to optimize charging efficiency and prevent overheating. Some models allow you to enable features that regulate the charging speed to reduce heat generation.

If your phone is hot to the touch during charging, it is advisable to disconnect it and allow it to cool down before resuming the charging process. If you frequently encounter an overheated phone while charging, it may be worth having your device checked at a service center to ensure there are no underlying issues contributing to the common issue of overheating.

When charging your Android device, using a high-quality charging cable is essential to ensure efficient charging and prevent overheating. Low-quality or damaged charging cables can cause the phone to work harder, generating excess heat that can lead to permanent damage to the battery or other components. It’s important to regularly check your charging cables for any signs of wear and tear and replace them as needed.

Background apps running on your phone can also contribute to overheating during the charging process. Closing unnecessary apps and avoiding heavy multitasking while charging can help prevent your phone from getting too hot. Additionally, keeping your phone’s software up to date with the latest software updates can optimize performance and prevent overheating issues.

Wireless charging is a convenient option for charging your phone, but it may generate more heat compared to traditional wired charging. To help prevent overheating, avoid placing your phone on a hot surface or in direct sunlight while wirelessly charging. It’s also important to use a wireless charger that is designed for your specific phone model to ensure efficient charging and minimize heat generation.

Environmental factors such as charging your phone in a hot car or in a dusty environment can also contribute to overheating. It’s best to charge your phone in a cool, well-ventilated area to avoid overheating issues in the long term. Regularly cleaning your phone’s charging port and removing junk files from your device can help prevent overheating and optimize performance.

If you suspect that your phone is overheating due to a faulty battery or charger, it’s important to have it checked by a professional to avoid potential safety hazards. Using antivirus software on your phone can also help prevent overheating by detecting and removing malware that may be causing excessive heat generation.

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Following this essential guide can help you avoid overheating issues with your Android device while charging. By using quality charging cables, minimizing background apps, keeping your software up to date, and considering environmental factors, you can help prevent overheating and ensure efficient charging for your phone.

Using counterfeit chargers can also contribute to overheating issues while charging your Android device. These low-quality chargers may not provide the necessary voltage and current regulation, leading to excessive heat production during the charging process. It’s essential to use a standard charger that is compatible with your phone model to ensure optimized battery charging and prevent long-term damage to the battery.

Background processes and apps running on your phone can also impact heat generation, especially if they are resource-intensive. Monitoring your CPU temperature and background data usage can help you identify any apps or processes that may be causing your phone to overheat. By closing unnecessary background apps and enabling battery saver mode, you can help keep your phone running smoothly and prevent overheating issues.

If your phone consistently overheats while charging, it may be due to a faulty battery or charger. In such cases, performing a factory reset or updating your graphics drivers can help optimize performance and reduce heat generation. Additionally, installing free antivirus software can help detect and remove malicious apps that may be causing your phone to overheat.

To check and monitor your phone temperatures more effectively, consider using apps that provide real-time CPU temperature readings. By monitoring your CPU temperature regularly, you can identify any abnormal spikes in heat generation and take appropriate action to prevent overheating. If your phone continues to overheat despite these measures, consider placing it in a cool environment such as a fridge or freezer for a short period to help dissipate heat.

In conclusion, by following these tips and best practices, you can help prevent overheating issues with your Android device while charging. By using quality chargers, monitoring background processes, and checking your CPU temperature regularly, you can ensure that your phone stays cool and runs smoothly for optimal performance.

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