Why Sweatcoin Does Not Count My Steps

Find out why Sweatcoin does not count my steps. Frustrated to see that not all your activity is reflected? Discover the reasons why Sweatcoin doesn’t count my steps

Having an application that in addition to forcing us to do physical activity offers us rewards is undoubtedly a good idea, but sometimes we wonder why Sweatcoin does not count my steps, or at least not all the steps we actually take. Many users have this concern when they see how not all their walking activity ends up being reflected in the application, an error that is usually fixed most of the time.

When you detect that you are having problems with the operation of the Sweatcoin application, we will have to make sure that we do not have activated the battery saving mode on our mobile, as this can make our steps are not well counted. In the case that we do have it, we can set an exception by going into ‘Settings’, accessing the ‘Application and notifications’ section, selecting ‘Sweatcoin’ and activating the ‘Unrestricted data usage’ tab.

Another aspect that can affect the correct functioning of Sweatcoin is the date and time, which will have to be set to automatic, since any forced change can be detrimental. If all this does not work, it will be necessary to restart the mobile or uninstall and reinstall the application, to avoid any erratic behavior.

Fitness and wellness apps are often incompatible with each other, so if you have more than one installed, this may be the reason you are encountering step count errors. It is also advisable to open Sweatcoin at least twice a day so that the algorithm does not stop working as it should.

How Sweatcoin Works

Those interested in this pedometer app that offers rewards may wonder how Sweatcoin works. This app is based on a cryptocurrency (sweatcoin or sweat coin, in Spanish) that you can go mining on your own through physical activity. According to the website of the company that launched the application, with eight minutes or less you can get a sweatcoin.

As we walk or run, we acquire more sweatcoins that we can then replace with discounts on sports products, digital platforms such as Audible or Tidal or donate them to an NGO. It is not possible to exchange the earned sweatcoins for real money. It also has at the disposal of the user the possibility of becoming an affiliate as in Amazon or AliExpress, so you can get more rewards by sharing your personalized Sweatcoin link in your networks.

How To Make Sweatcoin Count More Steps

Despite its great acceptance in countries in the European sphere, UK or Asian continent, this does not imply that all its users are 100% satisfied with the way the app counts steps, wanting to find out how to make Sweatcoin count more steps that reflect reality. For a long time, there were complaints about the fact that steps taken outdoors were not taken into account, something that was recently fixed.

However, from Sweatcoin they assure that total reliability is not yet a reality, and that 90% of the steps taken throughout the day are counted. The remaining 10% remain in limbo and is a fairly clear improvement range for the company, which ensures that it continues to work to polish these details and that its algorithm detects as many effective steps as possible. In case the user wants to report any performance issues or deficiencies in the counting of his steps, he can contact Sweatcoin directly through its email: info@sweatco.in

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