How To Know If Your Computer Can Run The Game You Want To Play

Find out how to know if your computer can run the game you want to play. Nowadays, many people choose to buy a powerful computer to play games. The expense is higher than that of a console, but in its favor it is a more useful device for the tasks you can do in your day to day life.

But your computer may not have the most advanced parts and you may doubt its power to support the latest titles. That is why we are going to give you tips to know if a game runs well on your PC.

How to know if a game will run on your PC

It is a fact that as the years go by we find more powerful applications. They take up more space, have more functions and their compatibility with previous versions can become obsolete.

This happens in all apps, without exception, but in the case of video games this is more than evident because each year that passes the graphic load is much greater.

Therefore, if you have a computer with several years you may need to know if your pc moves a game, although if you are looking to play the secret games of Facebook Messenger any composition will work for sure.

If you are one of those who do not upgrade hardware every few years, this may help you to see where your machine fails and if it will be able to move the newest games.

What you need to know to run a game on your computer

The first thing you need to consider before getting a new game is to know the specs of your machine. This is very simple if you are the one who configured it, so you should know or have near you the sheet with all the hardware it has.

Otherwise, you can look up the model in the manufacturer’s store to know all the data you need to know about your machine.

What are the features you need: Processor, graphics card, RAM and gigabytes of graphics memory.

These are the parts that work hardest to interpret the data and draw the graphics for each scene and these must at least meet the minimum requirements recommended by the developer.

And it is here where you have to see the user’s manual of the title where you will find the minimum and recommended specifications for the game to run on your pc.

Apps to know if your PC runs a game

We have told you the most basic ways to know if your computer runs a game correctly. But nowadays you may not know where to look at everything we told you above.

That’s why we are going to recommend you a couple of Internet sites where you can check this information.

The first one is called Game Debate. It is a very complete search engine where you can take a look at all the titles you can find on the market.

You can search for them by brand or simply by name and in a moment you will have all the data you need to know.

The best of all is that it will put you the requirements of the current brands in the market of processors and graphics cards such as Intel, AMD and Nvidia.

You only have to choose the one that corresponds to your PC, put it together with the chosen title and compare the data.

Another page that we recommend to know if your computer runs the most modern games is Can I Run It. Its operation is very similar, although the interface is more updated and much simpler.

The only thing you have to do in this case is to choose the game and then you will have all the updated information to use it on your computer.

In fact, you can make use of the information in two ways: ideal recommendations and minimum recommendations. We recommend you to pay attention to the first ones, which are the ones that will make you enjoy the game in good quality.

There is also an application that you can download that reads the specifications of your machine automatically.

That way, if you don’t know the specs, you can let the app do all the research work for you. Don’t worry about downloading the software, it’s completely safe and won’t install any viruses.

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