Find out how fast you are at typing on your pc, smartphone, or tablet

For those who often typing or write on the PC or send messages via smartphone, it is important to have a very good feeling with the keyboard used. Writing quickly and correctly greatly increases productivity and saves a lot of time while typing. You can, in fact, test (and improve) your writing speed, both with the PC keyboard and with the smartphone, in different ways. As we’ll show you in the course of the article, in fact, thanks to these sites you can not only find out how fast you are at typing on your PC, smartphone, or tablet, but you can also practice in such a way as to improve your writing skills.

10 Fast Fingers

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10 Fast Fingers is one of the best sites to test your writing speed on both PC and smartphone. In addition to using it to test yourself and find out how good you are at writing, the site is great to train yourself to write and beat your previous record.

  1. Go to the official website of 10 Fast Fingers
  2. Click on Start Typing Test
  3. In the next screen, change language (which by default is set to English).
  4. At this point, to start the speed test, all you have to do is type the first word in the box and write as many words as possible by the end of the time (one minute).
  5. At the end of the test, you will see the final result (including average speed, accuracy, and several correct/wrong words).
  6. In addition, by registering on the site, your results will be stored and you will be included in the world rankings.


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TypeRacer is another great site to test your writing speed and improve your skills. The peculiarity of TypeRacer consists in the fact that you have to compete! You can challenge other people in real races with cars that will go as fast as you write. The winner of the race is the one who finishes the race first and who, consequently, crosses the finish line first with his car.

  1. Go to the official TypeRacer website
  2. On the main screen, click on Enter a Typing Race to compete with other users, or on Practice Yourself to practice typing.
  3. Select, then, the language you want to use (basically it is set to English) and start the test by typing the first characters displayed on the screen
  4. Also in this case, by registering to the site, you can save your results.

Nitro Type

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Nitro Type is a site very similar to TypeRacer, which provides tests in which competitors must write sentences as soon as possible to cross the finish line first and win the race. With Nitro Type, you can also modify your vehicle, customizing it according to your preferences.

  1. Visit the official Nitro Type website
  2. Choose whether to race without an account (Race as a Guest) or create an account (to save your results and perform other additional tasks)
  3. Before starting the real race, there will be a qualifying session to practice writing
  4. Then, once you have found your opponents, the race will start and the winner will be the one who will write the whole sentence as fast as possible.
  5. Also, at the end of the race, the results will be reported with some statistics about your writing speed.


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Monkeytype is a great site to test your writing skills and continuously improve. The site is very simple and neat, with a minimal style that in addition to allowing greater concentration, also stimulates the user.

  1. Go to the site of Monkeytype
  2. To change language (which by default is set to English) click on the icon in the shape of a gear, scroll down the page until you find the section on the language, and set the one you like
  3. Then, to start the test, all you have to do is start typing the words you see on the screen and write as many as you want in 30 seconds.
  4. When the time runs out, you’ll be shown your results.
  5. By registering to the site, you’ll also be able to store your data and enter the global ranking.
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