Removing Storage partitions on a Windows 10 Computer

Hard drives and solid state drives work on computers in a partitioned format known as drives “C”, “D”, and so on. To further adjust RAM, the user may need to erase an existing partition. Built-in tools in recent operating systems make this possible. It is also permitted to utilize third-party software with the necessary functionality.

Below, we’ll look at how to erase a disk partition on a Windows 10 machine, using both standard and somewhat complex procedures.

It’s worth noting that removing a disk partition means formatting it and erasing all user data. As a result, it is recommended that you record all vital information on external disks or flash drives ahead of time.

Using System Tools

The Windows 10 operating system includes many built-in tools for deleting hard drive partitions. The most straightforward method is to use a graphical utility, which is software for managing disks. The functionality of this service should be enough in most circumstances.


To open the Run window, execute the Win + R keyboard shortcut.

Enter the command diskmgmt.msc into the proper line, then press the Enter key.

This command launches the Disk Management software. It can also be started via the Start menu’s built-in search feature.

In the application that appears, locate the partition that you wish to erase. It is located at the top and bottom of the window, amid the other volumes on the computer.

Once you’ve found the relevant section, right-click on it.

Select “Delete volume…” from the context menu.

A window will appear informing you that all data from the selected partition will be wiped without the opportunity to recover it later. To confirm the action, click the “Yes” button.

Wait for the procedure to complete, after which there will be free unallocated space. To begin using it, create a new section.

ATTENTION. In truth, even after removing a disk partition, it is possible to retrieve some data. However, specialized software will be required.

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Removing a partition via the command line

You can always erase a disk partition with a universal tool like Command Line. Furthermore, this strategy works just as well with ordinary hard drives as it does SSDs. However, while employing this method, extra caution is advised, as errors in partition names can result in the destruction of volumes containing crucial data.

Work Algorithm:

Enter “command prompt” into the taskbar search box and select it from the results list. You need to right-click the shortcut and select “Run as administrator”. In this situation, the user will be granted the appropriate rights to conduct major system interventions.

In the resulting window, type the DISKPART command and press the Enter key.

Enter the following commands successively, confirming each one with the Enter key.

list disk — displays the numbers of all disks, among which you must find the one you require (which will be altered);

Select disk N, where N is the number of the desired drive.

list partition — displays a list of partitions on the disk in question, including their numbers.

choose partition M, where M represents the number of the partition to be destroyed;

delete partition — deletes the specified partition.

Exit — closes the Diskpart utility.

If everything is done correctly, the specified partition will be removed from the volume. The disk will have an unallocated area of a certain size. To use it, you must either create a new partition or attach this volume to an existing partition.

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Using bootable media

When installing an operating system on a computer, the user is offered the option of formatting existing disk partitions or creating new ones. So it is feasible to edit memory using the functionality of installation media.

The simplest method is to utilize a bootable USB flash drive running the Windows operating system, which may be quickly generated with specialist software.

The steps for deleting Radel using bootable media are as follows:

Insert the USB flash drive into the computer and begin installing the operating system. Typically, simply starting the PC from a flash drive via the BIOS is sufficient.

As soon as the “Select installation type” window appears, select the “Custom” option.

The window that opens will show a list of all drives and partitions. You must choose the unwanted portion and click the “Delete” button.

If no additional action is required from the bootable media, remove the flash drive and restart the computer.

The uniqueness of this procedure is that the user must know exactly which partition has to be erased. After all, volume letter names are frequently not visible during the operating system installation process, which can cause issues. However, the used and free disk space are always displayed, so it is advisable to remember this ratio even before executing the installation procedure.

Third-party software.

If you do not want to utilize the utilities or bootable CDs included with the operating system, you may always use third-party software to erase partitions. Most of these apps have advanced capability, and removing partitions is merely one of the available options.

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Macrorit Partition Expert.

One of the most widely used apps for managing computer storage. It features a fairly simple interface that, even without Russification, is easily understood by an unskilled user.

Download the program from the official resource. The software is free, therefore there’s no use in hunting for workarounds or downloading releases from questionable sources.

Launch the application and wait for it to collect information about the disks installed on the machine. In the main window, pick the partition to be erased and then click the “Delete Volume” button.

Confirm the action.

This concludes the removal process. The available space will remain unallocated and can subsequently be used to build a new partition. You can also attach it to existing volumes within the software.

AOMEI Partition Assistant.

AOMEI Partition Assistant is a popular program for managing hard disk partitions. This is free freeware that offers advanced volume control features.

To install the application on your computer, first download the distribution kit from the official website. The software is completely free.

Launch the software and look through the list of possible sections in the main window.

Select a superfluous section by left-clicking on it.

In the sidebar, choose “Delete partition”. You can also start the operation using the right-click context menu.

The application will prompt you to remove the partition while saving the data to the system or to format it completely. It all depends on the user’s intentions.

Select the right choice and click the “Ok” button to confirm your decision.

Wait for the operation to be completed.

When the operation is finished, the section disappears, and the system recognizes its volume as an unallocated region.

Removing an Extended Partition

MBR drives frequently include extended partitions, which are shown by a green border in Disk Management. At the same time, there are other logical partitions inside. Furthermore, deleting one of these logical partitions prevents the remaining space from being linked to other volumes. After all, it’ll still be in the expanded section.

To erase an extended partition, first delete all internal volumes, followed by the partition itself, using one of the techniques described above.

Some third-party tools include functionality for converting an extended section into a main one, although this toolkit is typically only accessible in a premium edition.

Removing a hard disk partition is a simple technique that requires careful attention. After all, if you make a mistake, you risk losing crucial data or causing your machine to undergo a full reinstall of the operating system. However, if you adhere to the core algorithms, no issues should arise.

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More insights

When dealing with your hard drive on a Windows 10 computer, it’s important to understand how to effectively manage disk partitions using the built-in Disk Management tool. This guide will walk you through the process of deleting and removing partitions, including recovery and system partitions, without compromising your operating system.

In some cases, you may need to delete all partitions on your hard drive to create unallocated space for a fresh start. We’ll also explore the use of third-party partition managers for more advanced tasks.

To begin, we’ll cover how to access Disk Management and use commands like “delete partition” and “delete volume” to remove unwanted partitions. We’ll also delve into the process of selecting the correct disk and listing partitions using the command prompt.

Furthermore, we’ll discuss data recovery considerations when deleting partitions, including how to recover data from deleted partitions and unallocated space on your hard disk.

Additionally, we’ll address common concerns related to managing disk partitions, including dealing with unallocated space and recovering data from deleted partitions.

To further enhance your understanding of managing disk partitions in Windows 10, let’s delve into the usage of the “diskpart” command, a powerful tool for disk management tasks. By utilizing commands like “select partition” and “delete the partition,” you can efficiently remove unwanted partitions from your hard drive.

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When using the “diskpart” command, it’s crucial to confirm the deletion before proceeding to avoid accidental data loss. This is especially important when dealing with critical partitions like the EFI system partition or protected partitions that are essential for the proper functioning of your Windows operating system.

In addition to using the “diskpart” command, you can also leverage the Disk Management tool, a user-friendly utility accessible through the Windows Start menu. This tool allows you to view and manage all disk partitions on your system, including allocating drive letters, selecting and deleting partitions, and managing disk space effectively.

If you encounter the need to delete an EFI system partition or other Windows disk partitions, consider using third-party partition managers like EaseUS Partition Master Free Edition. This free download offers advanced features for managing disk partitions, recovering lost partitions, and resizing or merging partitions with ease.

When deleting a drive or recovering deleted partitions, it’s essential to exercise caution to avoid unintentional data loss. By using tools like EaseUS Partition Master, you can safely recover lost partitions or recover deleted data from unallocated space on your external hard drive.

Whether you’re looking to manage a single partition or free up disk space by deleting unnecessary partitions, understanding how to effectively use tools like Disk Management, the “diskpart” command, and third-party partition managers is key to maintaining a well-organized and optimized hard drive on your Windows 10 system.

When it comes to managing drive partitions on your Windows PC, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of how to remove unwanted partitions, recover deleted partitions, and effectively manage your disk space. One way to achieve this is by utilizing the Disk Management tool, which allows you to open Disk Management by right-clicking on the Start button and selecting “Disk Management” from the context menu.

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In Disk Management, you can view all your drive partitions, including the EFI partition, OEM partition, and other system partitions. To delete an unwanted partition, simply right-click on the partition you wish to remove, select “Delete Volume,” and follow the prompts in the dialog box to confirm the action.

If you accidentally delete a partition and need to recover it, tools like EaseUS Partition Master or AOMEI Partition Assistant offer a partition recovery wizard that can help you retrieve deleted partitions and restore lost data. Simply click the appropriate button in the software interface to initiate the recovery process and follow the detailed guide provided.

When managing partitions on your external hard drive, ensure you select the correct disk and exercise caution when deleting partitions to avoid data loss. By using partition management tools like EaseUS Partition Master or AOMEI Partition Assistant, you can efficiently manage partitions on your external hard drive and optimize your storage space.

Whether you’re working with the file system on your Windows OS or managing partitions on an external hard drive, having a solid understanding of partition management techniques and tools is crucial for maintaining a well-organized and efficient storage system. By leveraging tools like Disk Management, third-party partition managers, and recovery wizards, you can effectively manage your drive partitions and ensure optimal performance on your Windows PC.

Tracy King, a data storage expert at EaseUS, recommends using the AOMEI Partition Assistant or other reliable partitioning software to effectively manage hard disk partitions on your Windows operating system. When using the Disk Management window, you can view all your hard drive or SSD partitions and take necessary actions such as deleting unwanted partitions or recovering lost partitions.

If you accidentally delete a partition, you can use data recovery free tools like EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard to recover lost data from the deleted partition. This free data recovery software offers a step-by-step guide to help you retrieve your lost files and store data on your hard drives.

When managing partitions on your hard drives, you may encounter situations where a partition will be removed despite warnings. In such cases, you can use partition manager software to force delete the partition or override the warning prompts. However, it’s important to exercise caution and ensure that you have backed up any important data before proceeding with the deletion.

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To delete a single partition in the Disk Management window, you can type the following command in the search bar or use the start button to access the Disk Management tool. From there, you can select the partition you want to delete and follow the prompts to remove it.

In some instances, you may need to recover a lost partition due to accidental deletion or other issues. For lost partition recovery, tools like EaseUS Partition Master or AOMEI Partition Assistant offer features to help you recover lost partitions and restore your data. These tools provide a comprehensive solution for managing and recovering partitions on your hard drive or SSD.

When dealing with the EFI partition, it’s important to be cautious as deleting the EFI partition can cause boot issues and other system problems. If you need to delete the EFI partition, it’s advisable to seek guidance from experts like Tracy King or refer to a trusted source for detailed instructions on how to proceed safely.

Managing hard disk partitions on your Windows system requires careful consideration and the use of reliable tools such as AOMEI Partition Assistant or EaseUS Partition Master. Whether you need to delete partitions, recover lost data, or optimize free space on your drives, having a clear understanding of partition management techniques and utilizing reputable software is essential for maintaining an efficient and organized storage system.

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When it comes to file management and partitioning on Windows systems, utilizing Windows commands and diskpart commands can be essential. You can manage partition numbers, remove partitions, and work with system-protected partitions effectively using these tools.

For transferring products or creating bootable USB drives, you may need to manipulate disk partitions. By using diskpart commands in the Windows Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell, you can efficiently complete the steps to create bootable USB drives from SD cards or USB flash drives.

In featured articles on data recovery and partition management, tools like EaseUS Partition Master Free and data recovery software are often recommended. These software solutions provide comprehensive features for managing disk partitions, recovering deleted partitions, and extending volumes using simple command lines.

If you need to remove all partitions on a disk or SD card, you can launch EaseUS Partition Master and use the delete all existing partitions feature. This allows you to clean the disk completely and start fresh with free disk space.

When creating bootable USB drives, assigning drive letters and extending volumes may be necessary. By utilizing disk partition software like EaseUS Partition Master, you can easily manage drive letters, extend volumes, and create bootable USB drives with ease.

In summary, effective file management, disk partitioning, and data recovery require the use of reliable tools such as EaseUS Partition Master Free and data recovery software. By understanding how to use diskpart commands, Windows Command Prompt, and Windows PowerShell, you can efficiently manage partitions, recover lost data, and create bootable USB drives for various purposes.

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