want to get a Snapchat streak with one of your friends and keep it going or have you lost a Snapchat streak and want to get it back I’m here to help
In this blog, I’ll be explaining everything you need to know about Snapchat streaks including how to get one, how to keep it going, how to get a streak back if you lose it and how to hack your snap
now let’s get started first of all
what is a Snapchat streak?
A Snapchat streak means that you and one of your Snapchat friends have both snapped each other a picture or video within a 24 hour period for at least three consecutive days
once you start a streak a flame with the number will appear next to the name of the friend you have a streak with
how to keep Snapchat streaks going
The number beside the flame tracks the number of days you’ve kept the streak going to keep it going
you and your friend will both need to send each other a picture or video snap everyday text
chats don’t count towards your streak
if you see an hourglass next to your friend’s name that means your streak is about to expire make sure you send them a snap soon to keep your streak
how to get streaks back
if you know you and your friend both snapped at each other within the 24-hour window but your snap streak has disappeared you can report the issue to Snapchat to get it back to do this you’ll need to fill out a contact form on the Snapchat website
open your device’s browser and go to support.snapchat.com then tap contact us
select my snap streaks disappeared
scroll down and tap yes
now enter your Snapchat username, your email address, the phone number associated with your account, and the device you use for Snapchat
now type in the username of the friend you lost your streak with
when the streak disappeared and the length of your snap streak
the drop-down menu for whether you saw the hourglass icon or not ?
select no
In the box that asks what information should we know
write something about how you and your friend always snap at each other everyday mention that you did not see the hourglass icon and that you open Snapchat and realized your streak was gone when you’re done hit Send at the bottom of the page
since tons of people have the same problem and fill up this contact form every day
you may have to wait a few days for Snapchat to get back to you through email and put your streak back in place
if you’re feeling sneaky you can also use the same contact form to hack your Snapchat streak number, fill out the form the same way but this time in the box
that asks how long your Snapchat streak was
put the number you want your streak to be the key to doing this is to write a convincing message in the last text box that asks you to describe your problem
say that your Snapchat streak disappeared and that you want to get it back when you’re done submit the form by tapping send at the bottom
one Snapchat support has processed your claim you’ll receive an email message from them and your snap street number will be increased to the number you indicated in the contact form that’s everything you need to know to get and keep a Snapchat streak get it back if you lose it or hock your snap streak number
happy snapping
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