How to Resolve Error 0x800b010a: “Unable to Verify the Certificate Chain”

When you encounter the error code 0x800b010a, it indicates that the system is unable to verify the certificate chain. This can disrupt various activities, such as installing software or accessing certain websites.

Error code 0x800b010a signifies that the system is encountering difficulties in verifying the certificate chain, which is crucial for establishing a secure connection. Certificates are used to confirm the identity of websites and software publishers, ensuring that data exchanged is encrypted and protected from tampering.

When the system cannot verify the certificate chain,

It may be due to several reasons:

  1. Expired Certificates: The certificates in the chain might have expired, making them invalid for establishing a secure connection.
  2. Untrusted Certificate Authority (CA): The certificate might have been issued by a CA that is not trusted by the system. This can happen if the CA’s root certificate is not installed on the device.
  3. Intermediate Certificate Missing: Sometimes, intermediate certificates that link the end-user certificate to the root certificate are missing. Without these intermediates, the chain is incomplete and verification fails.
  4. Revoked Certificates: If any certificate in the chain has been revoked by the CA due to a security breach or other issues, the chain will be considered invalid.

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This error can disrupt various activities, including:

    • Software Installation: Some software packages require validation of their digital signatures before installation. If the system cannot verify the certificate, the installation process may be halted.
    • Website Access: Browsers may block access to websites that cannot present a valid certificate chain, preventing users from reaching potentially insecure sites.
    • Email Services: Secure email services relying on certificates for encryption might fail, leading to issues in sending or receiving emails.

To resolve this error, users can take several steps:

    • Update Root Certificates: Ensure that the system’s root certificates are up-to-date. This can often be done through the operating system’s update mechanism.
    • Install Missing Intermediate Certificates: Sometimes manually installing missing intermediate certificates can help complete the chain.
    • Check System Date and Time: An incorrect system date and time can cause certificate verification errors, so make sure they are set correctly.
    • Renew Expired Certificates: If the issue lies with expired certificates, contacting the issuing CA to renew them can resolve the problem.

By addressing these issues, users can restore the ability to verify certificate chains, thereby ensuring secure communication and preventing disruptions in their digital activities.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to resolve this issue.

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Understanding Error 0x800b010a

Error 0x800b010a signifies a failure in the certificate chain verification process. Certificates are used to establish trust and secure communication between clients and servers. If a certificate in the chain is invalid, expired, or not trusted, this error occurs.which is critical for establishing secure communication between clients and servers.

Certificates are digital documents that verify the authenticity and integrity of an entity, such as a website or a software application. When a client connects to a server, the server presents its certificate to the client. The client then checks this certificate against a chain of trusted certificates, known as the certificate chain, which leads up to a root certificate trusted by the client’s operating system or application.

If any certificate in this chain is invalid, expired, or not trusted, the verification process fails, leading to error 0x800b010a. Understanding and addressing these factors can help resolve the 0x800b010a error,

ensuring secure and trusted communication between clients and servers.

Common Causes

  1. Expired Certificates: Certificates have a validity period. Once expired, they can no longer be trusted.
  2. Missing Intermediate Certificates: The chain includes intermediate certificates between the root and the end-entity certificate. Missing intermediate certificates break the chain.
  3. Untrusted Root Certificates: The root certificate must be trusted by the system. If it’s not, the chain is invalid.
  4. Network Issues: Connectivity issues might prevent your system from accessing the Certificate Authority (CA) to verify the certificate.

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Steps to Resolve Error 0x800b010a

1. Check Date and Time Settings

Incorrect date and time settings can cause issues with certificate verification.

  1. Windows: Go to Settings > Time & Language > Date & Time. Ensure the date and time are correct.
  2. macOS: Go to System Preferences > Date & Time. Ensure the date and time are correct.

2. Update Root Certificates

Updating root certificates is essential for maintaining the security and trustworthiness of your system. Root certificates serve as the foundation for SSL/TLS encryption and secure communications over the internet.

By ensuring your system has the most recent root certificates, you guarantee that it trusts the latest certificate authorities (CAs), which are organisations responsible for issuing and managing digital certificates.

Outdated root certificates can lead to various issues, such as websites and services failing to load correctly because the system no longer recognizes the CAs that issued their certificates. This can compromise your ability to securely connect to websites, email servers, and other online services.

Regularly updating your root certificates helps protect your system from potential security vulnerabilities and ensures that encrypted communications remain secure and trusted. This is particularly important as new CAs are added, existing ones are updated, or compromised CAs are removed from the trusted list.


    • Open Command Prompt as an administrator.
    • Run the command: `certutil -generateSSTFromWU roots.sst`
    • Double-click the `roots.sst` file to add the certificates to the trusted root store.


The system usually updates root certificates automatically. Ensure your OS is up to date.

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Install Missing Intermediate Certificates

Manually install missing intermediate certificates to complete the chain.


    • Download the missing intermediate certificates from the CA’s website.
    • Open the certificates and click “Install Certificate.”


    • Download the missing intermediate certificates.
    • Double-click the certificates to add them to the keychain.

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4. Ensure Network Connectivity

Make sure your system can connect to the internet to verify certificates.

  1. Check Firewall Settings: Ensure your firewall isn’t blocking access to the CA’s servers.
  2. Network Troubleshooting: Run network diagnostics to identify and resolve connectivity issues.

5. Clear Certificate

Clearing the certificate cache can help resolve verification issues that arise due to corrupted or outdated cached certificates. When the cache stores old or invalid certificates, it can cause problems with SSL/TLS connections, leading to errors such as “certificate not trusted” or

“connection not private.” By clearing the certificate cache, you remove these potentially problematic certificates, allowing the system to fetch fresh and valid certificates. This process can ensure secure and successful connections to websites and services, improving overall system security and performance.


    • Open Command Prompt as an administrator.
    • Run the command: `certutil -urlcache delete`


Restarting your system generally clears the certificate cache.

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6. Contact the Certificate Authority

If the issue persists, contact the Certificate Authority (CA) for assistance. They can provide insights into potential problems or issue updated certificates to resolve the issue. Make sure to describe the exact nature of the problem you’re encountering, including any error messages or unusual behaviours.

The CA’s support team may also guide you through specific troubleshooting steps or recommend additional actions, such as checking for recent updates or changes in your system’s configuration that might be affecting certificate validity. Additionally, ensure that your system’s date and time settings are correct, as discrepancies can sometimes cause certificate issues.

In Conclusion , Resolving the error 0x800b010a involves ensuring your system’s date and time settings are correct, updating root certificates, installing any missing intermediate certificates, ensuring network connectivity, and clearing the certificate cache.

If these steps do not resolve the issue, contacting the certificate authority for further assistance is advisable. By following these steps, you can restore the trust and functionality of your certificate chain, ensuring secure and uninterrupted operations.

By systematically addressing each potential cause, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve the error, maintaining the integrity and security of your digital communications.


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