How to schedule sending messages on iPhone | Step by Step Guide

Find out how to schedule sending messages on iPhone. Would you like to be able to automatically send a message every day at the same time every week, or whenever you want? In this article we briefly explain how to do it in a few simple steps. As a matter of fact, through Apple’s Commands app you can schedule messages to be sent on iPhone in just a few seconds.

As proof of this, there is a very quick YouTube video here at the top of just 40 seconds, in which you can see us repeat this procedure in a few simple steps, which we are now going to summarize in this article, to have them even more easily at hand:

How to schedule sending messages on iPhone

So here are all the steps you need to follow in order to schedule sending messages on iPhone in a completely automatic way:

Go to the “Commands” app and then to “Automation”.

The “iPhone Commands” application allows you to create commands and automations, among which there is also the possibility to schedule the autonomous sending of messages generated by us to certain recipients. Once you open the Commands application, click on the “Automation” item at the bottom center:

Personal Automation -> Time of Day

At this point, choose the item “Create a personal automation” and in the screen that follows, among the many items, choose the first (“Time of day”) so you can create an automation that can be repeated every day or week (for example) to send the message, or to ensure that the message is sent only once but at a scheduled time.

At this point, in fact, you can choose a precise time and then choose every when this automation should repeat itself (every day, every week or every month). If you want the message to be sent only once, simply delete this automation after the first sending.

Add action -> Messages

Finally, by clicking on “Next” all you have to do is click on “Add Action” at the top of the screen. At this point a list will open in front of you with all the apps installed on your smartphone with which you can create an automation. If you want to schedule the sending of messages on your iPhone, then you’ll just have to search for “Messages” in the search bar, but that doesn’t stop you from performing the same action with a WhatsApp, Messenger or Telegram message (for example).

Type the message you want to send

Finally, after selecting “Send message” you’ll just have to type the message you want to be sent. In fact, between the quotes, you can add a personalized message written by you, and then move to the right and select the recipient(s) to whom the message should be delivered.

ATTENTION: Before you finish, make sure to uncheck “Ask before sending” so that the message will be sent autonomously and without the need for you to give the OK to send it.

So here’s how you can schedule the sending of messages on your iPhone. Simple, isn’t it?

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