Vertical Or Traditional Mice, What Is The Difference?

Find out about vertical or traditional mice. Every computer user needs a set of peripherals with which to communicate with the machine. At least three are needed for this: a keyboard, a screen and a mouse.

They all have their importance and for many, choosing between a vertical or traditional mouse makes a big difference. If you are hesitating between which peripheral to choose, we will help you to opt for one or the other.

From a simple device to ergonomics

Mice have been an indispensable part of the construction of computers. Their task is to transport the movement of your hand to the PC screen in order to select and move objects from one side of the computer to the other.

It is part of the order in the machine and the best thing is that it is very intuitive to use: with two fingers and a twist of the wrist any movement is made on the screen.

But what for many was a design in which there was little or very little to work with, has received an interesting variant.

And there are differences between a traditional mouse and a vertical mouse, which serves the needs of those who seek comfort above all else. But there is more than that and we are going to tell you about it.

Differences between a traditional mouse and a vertical mouse

As we have told you in previous lines, many may only see the differences between a vertical mouse and a horizontal one just by seeing the shape.

And it is that the aesthetics is very revealing because, while one device is operated by placing your hand on it, the other has a vertical grip system.

This is a double-edged sword as we have an ergonomic device versus one that is not.

The vertical mouse adapts to the user’s comfort because the joint at rest has that position. The buttons are placed in the same position, so there is no extra learning process beyond the new grip.

However, at the manufacturing level, this can be a problem for companies for the simple reason that not all users hold the mouse with the same hand. If you are left-handed, you will not be able to use a vertical mouse unless it is adapted for you.

After all, we are talking about a product that adapts to people and therefore must meet all their needs.

This is also noticeable in the price, as vertical mice are somewhat more expensive than traditional mice. For the rest of the elements, the internal behavior is exactly the same in both cases.

Unless you are a retro fan and have a ball mouse, both models use a visual sensor to detect movement, interpret it on the board and send it to the PC.

Conclusion: choose the one you like best

It is true that we are making some differences between traditional and vertical mice, but when it comes to giving a verdict on which of the two is better for you there are serious doubts.

And we do not say so ourselves, but a series of studies that shed light on whether a vertical mouse is better than a traditional one.

We do not go into the aesthetic aspect of whether or not some have RGB gaming lights, since the interesting thing is the comfort of users. In terms of ergonomics, studies show that there is not much difference between the two types of peripherals.

Apparently, the pressure on the carpal tunnel was very similar in the two types of grips, so one cannot be recommended over the other.

That said, our recommendation is that you use or buy the one you like best and fits your grip type, which is also important.

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