How Fake products are offered on Aliexpress in 2024

Replicas of original brands are inevitable on online shopping platforms. This is how knockoffs are offered on AliExpress in 2021.

The good health enjoyed by online shopping platforms has also affected the replica market. This is how imitations are offered on AliExpress in 2021, a year in which more and more big brands are beginning to offer their products on this platform in the face of the boom and the greater number of users who enter every day in its application.

As more powerful brands enter, their imitations are inevitably losing ground, as these new players do not want to see products that use their name or logo for a lower price -and quality-. Nevertheless, it is still possible to find imitations of these big brands, especially if you are looking for clothing and footwear, as it is in the technological field where it is most difficult to find imitations.

How to search for replicas on Aliexpress

Those interested in how to search for replicas on AliExpress have to be experts in tracking down these types of products, as it is quite common for the platform itself to chase them down and try to shut them down. For this reason, many stores do not directly use the name of the brand they are imitating, using instead acronyms and names that cannot raise suspicions. However, if in the AliExpress search engine we enter the term ‘replica’ we will still get many results with exaggerated offers that imply that we are not dealing with an original product. It is likely that in case you want to return the product it will also be more difficult with this type of seller, so every precaution is little.

To make our task easier, there are specialized websites that make the search much easier for the buyer. On AlixBlog there are several articles in which they compile stores that offer imitations. Some brands offer white label products, without the logo or the official name, but even so, they are inspired by the originals and have interesting prices.

Although there are many of these stores that are well established on AliExpress, it is a fact that they are increasingly less seen within the platform, so it is common for sellers to appear and disappear. If you have doubts about whether or not a product is an imitation, the first thing to look at is the price. If it is excessively below what it costs in stores (80% or 90%) likely, it is not a great offer, but a replica, and also of inferior quality. In these cases, you have to assess whether it is worth buying or not.

The reputation of a seller is also an important factor when choosing our purchase, so we always recommend taking a look at the ratings made by other users and the comments on each item. Descriptions are also vital when it comes to detecting whether we are dealing with an original product or an imitation.

Quality Chinese brands

Despite the social perception, there are also quality Chinese brands that offer their products through AliExpress, especially in the field of technology. As for clothing and footwear, we have already pointed out the existence of “white brands” that offer garments and sneakers without any kind of logo but with a more than acceptable quality with competitive prices.

As for technology, no one is surprised since brands like Xiaomi or Redmi are competing for head to head with the most traditional and well-known companies in the market. On AliExpress these stores have a lot of visibility and their prestige only increases thanks to the guarantees they offer to the buyer.

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