How to make a sketch on Google maps

Discover how to create sketches easily with Google maps tools.

Sometimes we need a simple drawing, which is a sketch to explain any route that takes us to a certain place if you do not know how to do it in Maps we tell you how to make a sketch on Google Maps in a few steps.

Google Maps is the best-known Google service related to maps to get around where you can also get information on other issues related to navigation routes such as traffic conditions or information about businesses and commercial sites.

To know how to make a sketch in Google Maps the first thing you should know is that we are going to use together with Google Maps, another app of the Google family: My Maps. This will allow us to draw and create maps. If you do not have it downloaded download it from the Play Store.

My Maps is available for computers and cell phones as an Android system. It is not available for iOS so you will not be able to make sketches with these two tools on iPhone. You will have to use a different application.

To make a sketch with My Maps from the computer open the website by clicking here and click on “Create a new map”.  Google Maps will appear. In the search box enter the address where you are going to draw the sketch.

When you have selected the area click on the icon with connectors that says “Draw a line”. Then choose “Add line or shape”. Then start drawing the sketch and when you are done double click.

If you want you can share the sketch in the options that appear in the menu on the left side of the screen.

How to create a route in my maps

Knowing how to make a sketch in Google Maps with My Maps is very interesting, but it can also be useful how to create a route in My Maps from the computer with the same application. See how to do it:

Open My Maps and look for the start of your route. When you have located it click on the “Add marker” button. Put a name to that point and if you want a description and click on “Save”.

Now let’s set the end of the route. Locate the place and click “add marker” again. Then click on the second point you have added and choose “Show directions here”.

On the left side, a menu will be displayed where you have to choose which is point A (departure) and point B (arrival). The route to get here will be displayed.

You can also create a route from the “Draw a line” button. Choosing the means of transport (car, bicycle route, or on foot) and starting to draw it on top of Google Maps.

How to use Google my maps from your cell phone

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Now that you know how to make a sketch on Google Maps from your computer, we are going to tell you how to use Google My Maps from your mobile.

The first thing you need to do to know how to make a sketch on Google Maps from Android is to open the My Maps application and click on a circle icon to create your map. Then give it a name and a description.

Then in the top search box put the address where your map should start. Once you have it on the map click on the green circle with a + symbol and add the first line. Click twice to start drawing. Every time you want to turn or twist click on the plus symbol to fix the path.

When you have the sketch ready just click on the V-shaped tick at the top right of the screen. The sketch will be saved in the map you have created and you will be able to view it from the My Maps app or the browser by simply logging in.

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