Step by step instructions for creative a subscription payment bot in telegram

With a paid subscription bot, you can make a paid Telegram group or chat run itself. The bot can fully automate paid access to the club by subscription. It does this by automatically charging a user for a subscription, giving them a unique link to enter as soon as they pay, and deleting it at the end of the tariff, telling them ahead of time that they need to renew their access. Also, bots often have a lot of ways to boost sales of a paid subscription. For example, they can send emails with coupon codes, track analytics by uploading user tables, make landing pages, issue a subscription for the necessary period or delete it, and do a lot more. The main benefit of paid subscription bots is that the administrator doesn’t have to keep track of a table of users’ membership expiration dates and take payments by hand. Making a bot for paid subscriptions is usually

An author shares only available material in a closed Telegram channel or chat. This is called a subscription club. People are ready to pay money for courses, marathons, expert chats, or just useful information. Paid subscription clubs are made by producers, tech experts, or pros. Most of the time, you can get access to them through a free channel or a link to a bot on a third-party site, like Instagram or YouTube, where you can pay for a membership.

The process of creating a paid subscription bot

Build a bot. Type /newbot into @botfather to do this. The next step is to send the nickname of the bot along with the name of your project, like “Paid subscription bot – English course in 90 days.” The rules of Telegram say that the link must only use English letters, no spaces, and end in “bot” or “_bot,” like englishcoursesclubbot. Try a different name if the one you wrote is already taken. Then copy the token you got. Send the copy value to the paid subscription bot constructor @vipsub_bot. It will only take a minute to make your bot.

Give it a channel or a chat. Go to the bot you made. At this point, we add private chats and/or channels that people will have to pay to view. In the chat box, click “Add Channel” or “Add Group.” Then, following the bot’s directions, add the bot you just made to the Administrators of your paid channel or chat with the rights it needs.

Once the resource has been added successfully, you will see a message that says “Next stage” (or add more paid resources).

Make prices. There are two ways to name the rate: by the word or by the information. Like “Access for one week” or “Access for one month.” It is also possible to make a Trial tariff (for 15 minutes, for example) or a Forever tariff.

Putting in payment methods. When the message pops up, click “Payment Methods” (or go to the Admin Menu and click on Payment Methods). As soon as the monthly fee is paid, the full amount will be sent to your payment system. You won’t have to pay any fees or wait to get your money. Which payment system you can connect to depends on the country you are in and the type of work you want to do (individual, self-employed, or individual businesses). You can join Qiwi, YooMoney, Way4Pay, semi-automatic payment methods, and cryptocurrencies (more than 100 different types) for real people. PayAnyWay, YuKassa, and Prodamus are all payment options for self-employed people. For individual businesses, all of these and many more can be used to make payments, as well as Tinkoff.Acquiring, Robokassa, Sberbank, CloudPayments, Tranzzo, Stripe, LiqPay, and many more.

We make things look good. Basic setting is done. Now we’ll make the design. Give the bot a face and a message to say hello. The start message is where we can talk about our project and what the user will get when they pay for the ticket. Along with the deal agreement, you can add a link to it here. Some payment systems need this when the store is moderated.

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Giving the bot a face.

Visit @botfather. Type in the phrase /mybots. After that, pick out your bot and click “Edit bot” and then “Edit botpic.”

Add a greeting (Welcome).

Click on the Admin menu, then Settings, then Answers from the bot, and finally Greeting in your bot.

Most of the time, they write about the project and what the user will get after paying for the membership in the start message. You can also give a link to the offer agreement. If you don’t have a website, you can use a basic agreement that you upload to Google Docs or Yandex Documents.

The Bot is now ready. The Bot’s Admin area is where you can do everything as an Administrator. And the main settings in the Admin menu – Changes

For end users, it looks like this: in the bot, users can pay for a subscription completely automatically and get access for as long as the price lasts. If a person has a question, they can ask it by clicking “Feedback.”

If you have a link to the bot you made in your saved post and channel description, you can put it in your free channel. Or on other outside sites (in that case, the bot’s link will begin with

As long as you’ve done everything, your paid club is now ready to automatically sell subscriptions.

What can and how does the VipSub paid subscription bot for Telegram channels and chats work?

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Bots on the Telegram messaging app are not a new thing. Process automation programs are used everywhere, even to make money from closed channels. It’s not only a good idea, but it’s also very handy. You can find any kind of useful information on Telegram by following the right channels and talking to writers, experts, or specialists.

This post will answer all of your questions if you want to start your own Telegram channel or make money from one you already have.

Let’s talk about why you need a paid service bot and what it can do.

Monetization of Telegram channels

Before, normal tools like advertising, referral programs, or direct sales of services and goods were used to make money from Telegram channels. All of this only works well when there are not many people around. In every other case, only a paid membership shows that it works.

We’re not talking about a brand-new tool here. A paid subscription has been used for a long time on many websites, news sites, and other tools. Remember that a paid subscription works best for things like analytics, reviews, training, master classes, news, and forecasts in Telegram channels. We can’t use the method of emotional donations right now. People will pay for real, useful information, experience, and skills.

Hints. One more way to link a paid membership is with exclusive content, like when channel users get news before everyone else. It can even be material that is fun.

Now for some easy math: if 100 subscribers pay just 2,000 rubles a month, the owner of the station will make 200,000 rubles a month. It’s also true that the number of subscribers keeps going up if the material is good. We might be able to finish our study of how profitable a paid subscription is over here.

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VipSub bot functionality

The VipSub service and the same-named bot work right away in all directions in Telegram groups, so you can be sure to make money. The system has a lot of great features. Let’s look at some of the best ones.

The owner of the channel can get to the Admin panel with easy-to-use settings by connecting the bot. The bot takes care of almost all of the work by itself.

It has flexible features that let you look at the situation, add or remove subscribers, run promotions, and give away entry for free. Full data are sent to the administrator in the form of graphs and tables.

Everything can be given to all groups. For instance, if you need to run an ad campaign in a Telegram group that is already in use. This is when a flexible system of coupon codes and a recommendation program can come in handy.

The administrator gets a one-page site that works right away and his grade. This feature will be useful for both new bloggers and experts in many areas.

The bot has feedback systems, customization choices, and alerts built right in. Each person and channel has their own set of settings for all functions.

Why choose the VipSub bot

A reasonable question for both new writers and experienced ones who were able to find a number of free bots. Everything is easy in this way: the service is ready to go, and the user doesn’t need to know how to code, which is common with free bots. There are no lags or other issues, and it only takes 15 minutes to connect the bot!

The best part is that you will be able to get money right away into your payment system. The step-by-step process is very easy:

You will get a link to the home page and a paid subscription payment bot after following the steps to make the bot.

Individuals who sign up get unique material, and you get paid right away.

More contact with the user happens on its own.

VipSub’s main job is to set up a clear and easy way for people to pay to get to exclusive material, a closed channel, or a group. You can get help in support if you have any questions at any point. Have fun!

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To create a subscription payment bot in Telegram for accepting payments in Telegram channels and groups, you can follow these steps:

1. Set up a Telegram bot: First, create a new bot on Telegram using the BotFather. This bot will handle the subscription payments within your channels and groups.

2. Configure the payments API: Integrate a payment provider with Telegram to enable payment processing within the messaging app. You can use services like Stripe or PayPal to set up payments for your subscription bot.

3. Create subscription plans: Define different subscription levels and pricing for users to choose from. Set up recurring payments for monthly or yearly subscriptions.

4. Design the subscription bot: Develop the bot’s functionality to handle subscription requests, process payments, and grant access to paid content within your Telegram channels and groups.

5. Generate invite links: Create invite links for users to join your paid Telegram channels and groups after subscribing through the bot.

6. Test the payment flow: Test the subscription payment process to ensure that users can successfully subscribe, make payments, and access paid content in your channels and groups.

7. Promote your subscription bot: Share the invite links and promote your subscription bot to attract users who are interested in accessing exclusive content in your paid Telegram channels.

By following these steps, you can create a subscription payment bot in Telegram to accept payments, manage memberships, and provide exclusive content to users in your channels and groups.

To cater to Telegram users interested in joining subscription-based groups and channels, it’s essential to offer a variety of payment methods through a reliable payment provider. By integrating a payment system like Stripe or PayPal into your subscription bots, you can streamline the payment process for users looking to access exclusive content within your groups and channels.

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Creating a subscription business on Telegram involves setting up paid channels and groups where users can subscribe to premium content. With the help of third-party payment bots, you can automate the payment collection process and grant access to paid features seamlessly.

To maximize your subscription business’s potential, consider implementing an affiliate program that rewards users for referring others to join your paid Telegram channels. This can help boost membership numbers and increase revenue through the affiliate program’s custom commands and access codes.

By leveraging a Telegram payment bot in test mode, you can ensure that the credit card transactions and access codes are processed correctly before officially launching your paid channels. Offering exceptional customer service throughout the payment process is crucial to retaining subscribers and building a loyal user base.

With a fully automated payment system in place, you can start selling subscriptions to your paid Telegram channels with ease. By linking your Stripe account or integrating other payment methods, you can provide users with a seamless payment experience when subscribing to your premium content.

Overall, setting up a Telegram payment bot for your subscription business in groups and channels can help you monetize your content effectively while providing value to your subscribers.

Setting up a subscription-based business on Telegram involves careful consideration of various factors, such as payment platforms, supported payment methods, and customer support. By leveraging Telegram’s bot API, you can create a seamless payment experience for your users, whether they are accessing your channels or groups through the desktop messaging app or the mobile version.

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To cater to a wide range of users, it’s crucial to integrate popular payment platforms that support debit cards and other payment methods. This ensures that your subscribers can quickly and easily pay their membership fees using their preferred payment method. Additionally, providing an access code or invite links to paid channels and groups can streamline the process of granting access to premium content.

When selecting a payment gateway for your Telegram subscription business, consider transaction fees, supported payment methods, and the ability to manage subscriptions effectively. A reliable payment gateway should support a variety of goods and services, enabling you to offer different subscription plans and manage your membership business efficiently.

Furthermore, providing comprehensive customer support for frequently asked questions and subscription management is highly recommended. This includes offering users the ability to cancel their subscription easily if needed, ensuring a positive experience for your community on Telegram.

By maintaining a list of supported payment methods and offering clear information about subscription-based services, you can build trust with your audience and encourage more users to join your paid channels and groups. With the right payment infrastructure in place, you can focus on delivering valuable content to your subscribers while effectively managing your subscription business on Telegram.

When setting up your subscription-based business on Telegram, it’s essential to consider various factors to ensure a smooth user experience. Offering a free plan can be a great way to attract users and showcase the value of your content. To monetize your services, you can integrate a pay button that allows users to upgrade to a paid plan easily.

To entice potential subscribers, consider offering a free trial period where users can access premium content for a limited time. This can give them a taste of what they can expect from your paid plans and encourage them to continue with a subscription.

During the payment process, it’s important to collect necessary information from users, such as their phone number, to facilitate communication and provide personalized support. You can offer a private chat option for subscribers to reach out to you directly with any questions or concerns.

As a bot developer, you have the opportunity to create different subscription plans tailored to your audience’s needs. Consider offering an ultimate plan with additional features and benefits for those who want the most comprehensive experience. By catering to different segments of your audience, you can maximize your revenue potential.

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When it comes to accepting payments, it’s crucial to integrate a reliable payments provider that supports various fiat currencies and payment options. This ensures that users from different regions can easily subscribe to your services. Connect Telegram with a trusted payments provider to streamline the payment process for your subscribers.

Managing your subscription business effectively requires access to important information such as the users’ list and their subscription status. An admin panel can provide you with the necessary tools to monitor and manage your subscribers efficiently.

To create your bot on Telegram, you’ll need a bot token provided by the BotFather. This token is essential for interacting with users and processing payments. Once you have your bot token, you can create your bot using Telegram’s bot API.

It’s important to establish clear terms of service for your subscription-based business. This ensures that both you and your subscribers understand the expectations and limitations of the service. Clearly communicate these terms to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes.

If at any point you decide to cancel your subscription, make sure to provide an easy cancellation process for your subscribers. This demonstrates transparency and respect for their choices.

Remember, as you embark on this journey, the SmartBotsLand team is here to support you every step of the way. They have extensive experience in building successful subscription businesses on Telegram and can provide guidance and assistance when needed.

By considering these factors and implementing the right payment solutions, you can create a thriving subscription-based business on Telegram that offers valuable content to your subscribers while generating sustainable revenue.

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