U.S. Moves to Combat Deepfake Pornography with the Preventing Deepfakes of Intimate Images Act

Representative Joe Morelle introduces the Preventing Deepfakes of Intimate Images Act, a bipartisan legislation criminalizing the creation and distribution of non-consensual deepfake pornography, primarily affecting women and girls.

U.S. Representative Joe Morelle has taken a step to combat the spread of deepfake pornography by introducing the Preventing Deepfakes of Intimate Images Act, HR 3106. This bipartisan legislation aims to address the increasing problem of deepfake pornography generated through artificial intelligence, with a particular focus on its widespread impact on women and girls.

The Act is a response to the alarming trend where 96 percent of all deepfakes are pornographic, almost exclusively targeting women. The damage caused by these images, though fake, has profound real-world consequences. In advocating for this legislation, Morelle, along with victims of deepfakes and other supporters, has emphasized the urgent need for federal action to provide protection and legal recourse against this form of exploitation.

A key aspect of the bill is its focus on the non-consensual nature of these deepfakes. It criminalizes the disclosure of non-consensual intimate deepfakes intended to harass, harm, or alarm the victim. The proposed penalties are substantial, including fines and imprisonment, with harsher penalties for disclosures that could impact government functions or facilitate violence.

Additionally, the legislation would grant the right to victims to file civil lawsuits against the creators and distributors of non-consensual deepfakes while remaining anonymous. This approach is intended to offer a more comprehensive form of justice for victims, allowing them to seek monetary damages and punitive measures against perpetrators.

This move by Representative Morelle is part of a larger conversation about the ethical use of AI and the need for legal frameworks to keep pace with technological advancements. The bill also highlights the necessity of ensuring that AI and technology are not used to perpetuate harm, particularly against vulnerable groups like women and minors. The introduction of this Act underscores the growing awareness and concern about the potential abuses of AI in creating deepfakes and the need for stringent laws to prevent such abuses​​​​​​.

Image source: Shutterstock

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