Why Spotify tells me that the song is not available on Spotify

Find out why Spotify tells me that the song is not available on Spotify. We tell you the reasons why the message of unavailable songs appears on Spotify.

If you have entered Spotify and you have had the unpleasant surprise that the song you wanted to listen to is not active, you may wonder: Why Spotify tells me that the song is not available? Here are the reasons.

Spotify is one of the most widely used music streaming platforms today as it has the largest number of users worldwide. The platform already has more than 350 million users, between the free and paid versions.  

This application, which can be downloaded for both Android and iOS devices, is also incorporating new functions related to the user experience within the platform that show the songs, artists, and genres that each person likes the most and make it possible to share them on social networks.

In addition, the Spotify application is in the top 10 of the platforms that have more songs in its catalog with more than 70 million tracks. The ranking is led by SoundCloud and Deezer and then Spotify is equal in number with Apple Music or Amazon Music or Tidal, among others.

One of the problems that sometimes occur with some of the songs in this catalog is that at a given time appear as unavailable, that is, they can not be played. But why does Spotify tell me that the song is not available? The reasons are several and we tell you below.

On the one hand, it may be the case that the songs and/or artists are not available in certain countries, but in others they are, all related to a question of rights.

Similarly, if you search for a particular song and you see that it is not available on the platform and time passes and still does not appear to listen to it, it may be that Spotify has not reached an agreement with the artist or the label.

It may also happen that the song was previously available on the platform, but is no longer available because there is another contract in force and the rights have changed owners.

Why I don’t get tracks on Spotify

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If you already know why Spotify tells me that the song is not available, but now you are looking for the reason why you are not getting songs on Spotify, we give you the reasons for what may be happening and how you can see the songs you can’t listen to.

There are two main reasons why songs are not appearing on Spotify: one is because there is currently no agreement between the artist or label and Spotify to include that song in the catalog. The other reason has to do with your location. The song may not be displayed because it is not available in your country.

Regarding these songs that do not appear Spotify has a tool that shows you the songs that you cannot listen to. To activate it you have to go to the “Settings” section of Spotify and activate it where it says “Show unplayable songs”.

Once activated you may have seen how some of your playlists have increased the number of songs. Although they will appear shaded in another way because they can not be played. If at a certain moment they are available again, they will be shown again as the rest in the music playlist.

So you can rest assured that it has entered your Spotify account and has not modified it in any way, just the songs come and go depending on the rights or the country you are in.

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