How to Create and Share a Call and Video Call Link on WhatsApp

Creating and sharing a call or video call link on WhatsApp is a convenient way to connect with friends, family, or colleagues. Whether you’re organising a group chat or scheduling a virtual meeting, WhatsApp’s call and video call link feature can streamline the process. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create and share a call and video call link on WhatsApp.

Creating and sharing a call or video call link on WhatsApp is a convenient way to connect with friends, family, or colleagues. Whether you’re organising a group chat or scheduling a virtual meeting, WhatsApp’s call and video call link feature can streamline the process.

Keep in mind that the ability to create and share call or video call links may vary depending on your WhatsApp version and device. Make sure to update your WhatsApp to the latest version to access the latest features and improvements.

Certainly! It’s important to note that the ability to create and share call or video call links in WhatsApp can vary depending on the version of WhatsApp you’re using and the device you’re using it on. To ensure you have access to the latest features and improvements, it’s recommended to regularly update your WhatsApp to the latest version available. This will not only give you access to the newest features but also enhance the overall performance and security of the app.

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Creating a Call and Video Call Link

  1. Open WhatsApp: Launch the WhatsApp application on your smartphone.
  2. Navigate to the Calls Tab: Tap on the “Calls” tab at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Initiate a New Call: Tap on the “New Call” icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  4. Select Contact or Group: Choose the contact or group you want to call. Alternatively, you can tap on the “New Group Call” option to create a group call link.
  5. Choose Call Type: Select either “Voice Call” or “Video Call” depending on the type of call you want to make.
  6. Generate Link:Tap on the “Share Link” option to generate a call or video call link. The link will be created and copied to your clipboard automatically.

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Sharing the Call and Video Call Link

  1. Open Chat: Open the chat with the contact or group you want to share the link with.It seems like you’re referring to sharing a link with someone in a chat. If you’re using a messaging app, you typically need to open the chat with the person or group you want to share the link with. Once you’re in the chat, you can paste the link into the message box and send it.
  2. Paste Link:Tap and hold in the message field, then select “Paste” to paste the call or video call link.
  3. Send Link:Tap the send button to share the link with the contact or group.
  4. Copy Link (Optional): If you want to share the link through other apps or platforms, you can copy the link from the message field by tapping and holding on the link, then selecting “Copy.”
  5. Share Link on Other Platforms (Optional): Paste the link into other messaging apps, emails, or social media platforms to share it with a wider audience.

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Joining a Call or Video Call Using the Link

  1. Receive Link: If you’ve received a call or video call link, tap on the link to open it.
  2. Join Call: WhatsApp will prompt you to join the call or video call. Tap on the “Join” button to join the call.
  3. Choose Call Type (If Applicable): Select either “Join Voice Call” or “Join Video Call” depending on the type of call.
  4. Join Call: You will be connected to the call or video call and can start communicating with the other participants.

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Tips for Using Call and Video Call Links on WhatsApp

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    • Schedule Calls: Use the link to schedule calls or video conferences with multiple participants.To schedule calls or video conferences with multiple participants, you can use scheduling tools like Doodle, Calendly, or Google Calendar. These tools allow you to create events, invite participants, and manage the schedule efficiently. Simply share the scheduling link with your participants, and they can select a time slot that works for them. This helps in coordinating meetings with ease and avoids the back-and-forth of finding a suitable time for everyone.
    • Share Links Securely: Ensure you share the link only with intended participants to maintain privacy and security.Sharing links securely is essential to protect your privacy and security. When sharing links, ensure you only share them with the intended participants. Avoid sharing links publicly or with unauthorised individuals to prevent unauthorised access to the content. Consider using secure messaging platforms that offer end-to-end encryption to further protect your shared links. Always be cautious and verify the recipients before sharing any sensitive information or links.
    • Enable Two-Factor Authentication: For added security, enable two-factor authentication on WhatsApp to protect your account from unauthorised access.To enhance the security of your WhatsApp account, you should enable two-factor authentication. This feature adds an extra layer of protection by requiring a second form of verification in addition to your password. This means that even if someone gains access to your password, they would still need the second factor (usually a code sent to your phone) to access your account. By enabling two-factor authentication, you can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorised access to your WhatsApp account and protect your personal information and conversations.
    • Update WhatsApp: Keep your WhatsApp application up to date to access the latest features and security updates.Keeping your WhatsApp application updated is essential for accessing the latest features and security updates. Regular updates ensure that you have access to the newest functionalities, improvements, and bug fixes. Additionally, staying updated helps protect your privacy and security, as developers often release patches for vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors. Therefore, it’s a good practice to regularly check for updates and keep your WhatsApp application up to date.

By following these steps, you can easily create and share a call and video call link on WhatsApp, making it convenient to connect with others remotely. Whether you’re organising a virtual meeting or catching up with friends, WhatsApp’s call and video call link feature can help streamline the process.

In Conclusion , Creating and sharing a call and video call link on WhatsApp is a simple process that allows you to easily connect with multiple participants for voice and video calls. Follow the steps above to generate and share the link with your contacts.


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