How to set an Alarm clock with Spotify on Android

We tell you how to wake up with your favorite music putting a Spotify song alarm clock alarm clock

If you are tired of the typical sound of the alarm clock and want to put your favorite music to wake up every morning we tell you how to set an alarm clock with Spotify on Android.

Spotify has become one of the reference platforms for listening to streaming music. In its extensive catalog, we can find all kinds of songs and styles.  

Not all of us react in the same way when the alarm clock goes off, but if the sound of it is not very pleasant, it can make us even lazier to get out of bed. If you are a Spotify user you can make the moment better by using it as an alarm.

If you have an Android phone waking up can be a little more pleasant if you link it to Spotify because you can make it sound like your favorite song as an alarm. If you are interested and do not know how to set an alarm clock with Spotify on Android we give you all the instructions to do so. It’s easier than it looks.

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To set a Spotify song as an alarm clock alarm we will use two applications on the device the Google Clock application and the Spotify application. The Google Clock comes by default on the device, but the Spotify app you have to download.

If you don’t already have it, go to the Play Store and download and install it. Then open it and log in with your username and password. Then exit Spotify and go to the Google Clock app on your Android phone. Now click on the “alarm” icon at the bottom of the screen. Press on the round button with a plus symbol and set the alarm clock time.

Next, scroll through the options for the alarm you have just created and click on the audio icon. You will get a new screen where you will see the sounds and you will also see the Spotify icon, click on it. All the songs you have recently listened to will be displayed. Now you just have to choose the one you want to sound the alarm clock with.

If among the list of songs that appears is not the one you want, click on “search”. This search will be performed on the Spotify platform. Once you have chosen the song you want, return to the home screen. Now you know how to set an alarm clock with Spotify on Android.  

How to use Spotify alarm clock radio

You already know how to set an alarm clock with Spotify on Android. Now we tell you how to use the Spotify alarm clock radio. The music platform creates a collection of songs from each artist which is called Spotify Radio. Each artist has one.

To put any song from the radio on your Spotify alarm clock you have to follow the steps that we have mentioned above. The only thing that changes is that when you go to choose the song you must search for “radio of (artist’s name)” there will appear the songs included in that radio. Choose the one you want to set as an alarm clock every morning.

On iOS devices, there is not yet a way to link the alarm clock with Spotify but there are applications that perform this function. One of them is Alarm for Spotify with Music. You can download it from the App Store but it is not free it has a price.

Setting up this app is easy. The first thing you have to do is choose the time you want to set the alarm. Then you have to choose the playlist. You can choose the radio of your favorite artist to use as an alarm clock or any artist or album.

The application can be customized in several languages, it can also help you to sleep with music and it is designed for mobile devices with iOS 11.0 or later and occupies about 120 Mb and also for Ipad.

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