What it means in Aliexpress to confirm receipt of order

If you need to confirm an order receipt in AliExpress and you don’t know what this means, we explain it to you below.

If you have just made your first purchase and you are wondering what does it mean to Confirm Goods Receivced AliExpress, we explain it to you so that you can make this process without any problem.

One of the largest online shopping platforms at low prices is AliExpress. It is estimated that in 2020 its profits increased by 60%, something that has been increasing in this year 2021.

Although AliExpress was born in Asia and is logically very consolidated in China, every day it is becoming more popular in all parts of the world. Among its success are not only its low prices but also its wide catalog and the ease of use of its application.  

The purchase process on AliExpress is quite simple if you follow all the steps that are indicated. If you have just made a purchase on the platform or it has been so long since you last bought that you do not know what it means in AliExpress to confirm receipt of the order, we explain it to you below.

Once you have chosen the products within the extensive catalog and you have paid for the order, you just have to wait for it to arrive at your home. Depending on the place where you bought it, it will take more or less time to arrive.

Once you have received the order you must confirm its reception. If you are wondering what AliExpress means to confirm Awaiting Receipt AliExpress of the order, the answer is easy: you must confirm that the order has been delivered to you through the application.

Confirm the order by mistake on Aliexpress: solutions

If you were adding products to your AliExpress shopping cart and you have confirmed an order by mistake, here are the solutions you can take.

It may happen that you have mistakenly confirmed an order when you have been playing on the AliExpress platform. To solve this purchase that you really do not want to make you must immediately cancel that order.

You can request the cancellation of the order while it is in “Awaiting Shipment” status. To do so, simply open your AliExpress application and go to the “My Orders” section.

Then locate the order you have confirmed by mistake and click on “View details”. On the screen that appears, click on “Cancel order”. A new screen will appear where you must tell AliExpress the reason for the cancellation. Then click on “Submit”.

You can also contact the seller as soon as possible to speed up the cancellation. If the seller does not respond to the cancellation request within three days, the order will be automatically closed.

How to confirm receipt of shipment on aliexpress

If you already know what it means in AliExpress to confirm receipt of the order but you need to know how to confirm receipt of that shipment we will show you step by step what you have to do.

Once you have received the order and you are satisfied with all the products that have arrived you must open the AliExpress application and go to the “My orders” section within the platform.

Select the order you have received and click on the “Confirm receipt of order” button. The application will ask you again to validate this action definitively so you just have to click on “Confirm”.  

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