Best 10 Apps to relax and Make you Sleep in 2024

Best apps for Android and iPhone to relax, meditate and calm anxiety sleep and stress with exercises, sounds, and experimental techniques

Our phones are often blamed for adding anxiety and stress to our daily lives, thus preventing proper rest or relaxation. What many people don’t know is that we can also use applications that help us feel good, find peace and tranquility, cancel negative thoughts, and even help us sleep and get to sleep. Certainly, you can use any cell phone to listen to your favorite music, perhaps at low lights, as you used to do with your iPod or boombox, but the functionality of modern Android and iPhone smartphones goes far beyond that and the creativity of developers has brought a certain variety of applications perfect for relaxing and meditating, based on sounds, but not only.

In the following guide, we’ll show you how to de-stress and relax with smartphone apps, to be tried out of simple curiosity or because you’re now desperate to regain relaxation, well-being, and lost hours of sleep.

Apps to relax and Make you Sleep

After having seen together how to prepare ourselves for complete and effective relaxation, let’s see together the best apps to relax and sleep better.


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excellent app for Android and iPhone very popular than others on this list, which provides different breathing exercises and a variety of sounds to enter a safe and quiet dimension in which to isolate yourself. There are slow music tracks, sounds of nature, and sessions that last from 2 to 30 minutes, in which to immerse yourself whenever you have the opportunity.


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free download app for Android and iPhone is a jukebox of nature sounds that helps with sleep, concentration, and meditation. As for sleep, there are sounds like the ocean, falling rain, and others to choose from.


another great app for Android and iPhone takes a more physical approach to relax the body by pointing out a series of exercises to control the breath and reduce stress on each muscle. The app allows you to optimize the exercises based on your physical state and also allows you to note your progress.

White Noise

downloadable for Android and iPhone is an app of relaxation sounds ranging from white noise to natural sound effects like wind or rain. You can use this app to help you find focus, work without getting distracted, and also relax. The good thing is that it can also work offline, without an internet connection.

Smiling MindĀ 

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another great app for AndroidiPhone is provided by a non-profit organization of psychologists and educators who want to provide meditation programs for all ages.

MyLife Meditation

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an app for Android and iPhone is very popular with users, as it allows you to quickly find some kind of relaxation in five minutes, with several exercises (many of them free) of relaxation, which is also good for lifting the mood.

Relax MelodiesĀ 

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available for Android and iPhone is a popular relaxation app that provides zen melodies and ambient sounds that are ideal for putting people to sleep.

Relax and Sleep Well

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available for Android and iPhone is an app that uses an experimental medicine approach to relaxation, meditation, and self-hypnosis, focusing on sounds and vocal techniques that are supposed to hypnotize.

Music ZenĀ 

another good app Available for Android and iPhone offers a variety of pleasant, relaxing, or euphoric sounds such as rain noises, cutting noises, aquarium sounds, and other such things. The app also promotes relaxation for sleep through exercises and visual elements.


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available for Android and iPhone is an exercise you can do every day for 10 minutes for 10 consecutive days. If the approach works and you feel good and better, then you can choose to access many other relaxation courses (not free) and improve your mood control even more.


Using the indicated apps and accessories presented at the beginning of this guide we will be able to reach a really high level of relaxation and well-being, even if we simply lean back on the sofa or the armchair and enjoy the sounds of nature, white sounds or follow one of the relaxation courses presented by some specific apps, so as to leave behind the stress of everyday life. If we can’t sleep at night, we can also try the relaxation apps and monitor our sleep with a bracelet like the Mi Band, so we have proof that we did sleep better.

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