How to Buy Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR): Advantages, Risks, Worth?

Find out how to buy Hedera Hashgraph. Among the blockchain projects that are catching the attention of investors the most stands out Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR). This altcoin is becoming a hotspot on the Binance platform. We are looking at a third-generation blockchain that is fast, has lower transaction costs and is more scalable. Behind it, it has a group of companies overseeing the progress of the crypto project through a governance council. Boeing, Google, IBM, LG, major banks and very relevant companies support Hedera Hashgrapf’s (HBAR) promising structure.

Why Buy Hedera Hashgraph

The native Hedera Hashgraph protocol envisions the HBAR token empowering decentralization, enabling payments, and securing the network. The blockchain is in an uptrend position over the long term and is recorrecting its price in the short term. Buying Hedera Hashgraph on Binance allows you to take advantage of attractive quote levels. The cryptocurrency, in fact, after having broken through the all-time highs is retrying an uptrend.

Hedera Hashgraph has a high availability, with a total supply of about 50 million tokens. Generally, this aspect of redundancy drives investors away due to the law of supply and demand. But the excellent performance of the blockchain and the strength of the economic giants behind it offer a great sense of trust and continuity.

Where to Buy HBAR

Buying HBAR on Binance is the easiest way to appropriate one of the most coveted tokens of the moment. After registering and depositing an account balance in USDollar, Euro, or Bitcoin, you will need to access the Markets screen. At the top right of the display you will find a drop down menu where you can select your conversion pairs; for example HBAR/EURO, HBAR/USD or HBAR/BTC.

Then the real time quote page will open with the green command in the center to buy HBAR tokens. With a simple click Hedera Hashgraph will become part of your investment wallet so you won’t be left out of this exceptional moment that the altcoin is experiencing.

How to register on Binance

The first step to register on Binance is to access the official website and open an account by entering your email and a password. To take advantage of all the features of the Exchange, such as depositing or withdrawing , debit card and passive annuity options, you need to leave a KWC (Know Your Client), using your personal documents such as ID card or driver’s license.

The next unavoidable step is to secure the account by accessing the Security section. Binance suggests at the top left of the display to activate the 2-factor authentication, much more reliable than the SMS authentication. Also the White List is very useful to select the addresses of different currencies on which to withdraw; in this way it prevents you from withdrawing to an unknown wallet. In any case, the certifications of the platform guarantee a high level of security and monitoring by the Supervisory Authorities.

How Binance works and how to deposit money on the account

You can deposit on Binance via bank transfer, transferring cryptocurrencies, or purchasing currencies by debit or credit card. Depositing via bank transfer cannot be done without full identity verification. From the Buy Crypto Menu you can choose the methods of direct purchase: choosing Bank Deposit you will be redirected to the page to prepare the transfer.

You will have to choose the currency, confirm in the drop-down menu the SEPA transfer (proposed by default), define the amount between 1 Euro and 50,000 Euro and confirm the operation in progress. The platform at this point reminds that the current account used must be in the name of the user of the Binance account. Purchasing via credit or debit card is possible on the Bank Card Menu, instantly paying the desired cryptocurrency and adding it to the Binance wallet. To finalize the transaction, you need to select the amount between 15 Euros and 5,000 Euros. In the screen will appear the amount of crypto received already net of commissions, then you will have to enter the card data. Also in this case the holder must be the same as the registration on Binance.

To deposit digital currencies you need to open your wallet by choosing the Spot option, which implies direct trades. The platform’s display will show all available cryptocurrencies. Selecting a coin will generate an address to which the deposit will be directed; it is important to pay attention to choosing the exact deposit network. Even when making a withdrawal from Binance you need to choose the blockchain address; sometimes the temptation of lower fees leads to choosing the wrong address.

How to Buy HBAR on Binance

To buy or convert cryptocurrencies on Binance there are 3 different interfaces: Convert, Basic and Advanced. The first screen indicates which currency to convert into another currency.

Commissions are always the same for all exchanges between digital currencies and Euros. If they are paid using BNB (Binance’s coin) you get a 25% discount on spot fees. The Convert option operates naturally at the market price; the Basic and Advanced interfaces have minimal differences and it is possible to set the order. The Advanced module is customizable by being able to change the size of the panels, and of the order bar on the right of the display. The difference between lower selling price and lower buying price is called spread and on Binance it is low, due to the high liquidity of the order books of the platform.

There are several ways to buy Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR), for example from another single investor on the net. This way, however, could prove to be very dangerous as it is impossible to trace the identity of the seller with the cryptocurrency. The safest system is to use a certified and supervised Exchange like Binance. Buying Hedera tokens directly is not yet possible; you need to go through a platform like Binance that accepts Euros, Dollars and Bitcoins (BTC) and then convert them into Hedera (HBAR).

Costs and Commissions

The investor or trader who wants to buy Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) and has previously placed a deposit in Euro or BTC will not pay any commission on deposit. To withdraw instead he will be charged a small fee of about 1% needed to support the transaction and the movement of the altcoin from his wallet on Binance. Since the blockchain system depends on many interdependent factors and especially the amount of traffic on the network the value of commissions may vary slightly.

Final Thoughts: Should I Buy HBAR?

If the investor park still needed a good reason to buy Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) on Binance, one could highlight the new blockchain 3.0’s focus on zero impact in terms of energy. The environmental footprint of this altcoin is very low by not using the Proof of Work protocol; trustability is ensured by an advanced algorithm and 39 high-level nodes. Also the participation in the crypto project by 18 Blue Chips from around the world conveys a strong sentiment of soundness and future development of the currency. If you then add the financial strength of one of the largest exchanges, such as Binance, including Hedera Hashgrap (HBAR) could prove to be an advantageous choice.

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