If The Open Window In Chrome Has Become Fuzzy: How To Fix The Resolution

What to do if the Open window in Chrome has become fuzzy. After one of the latest updates of either Windows 10 or Chrome, there is one very unpleasant problem: the “Open file” dialog window of the browser is displayed indistinctly, …

… some fuzzy, that is, as if the system prefers to show it in a very low resolution.

It is not yet clear why this happens. Therefore – at once about…

What To Do When The “Open” Window In Chrome Became Fuzzy

So, to eliminate this problem can be as follows:

  • find the Chrome icon (on the Desktop of Windows 10, in the “Start” menu or on the Taskbar);
  • right-click on it and in the menu that opens press “Properties” (if you can’t find “Properties” that way, just click on “File location” in the same folder, find the desired icon, right-click on it and then – “Properties”);
  • In the “Properties: Google Chrome” window open the “Compatibility” tab;
  • Now at the bottom of the window click “Change high DPI settings”;
  • then in the next window in the section “Override high resolution scaling” activate the option (check the checkbox) “Override high resolution scaling mode”;
  • click OK in this window, then ‘Apply’ – in the ‘Properties: Google Chrome’ window and close it;
  • restart Chrome, i.e. close it (you may use “Task Manager”, Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and then restart it.
  • After restarting, the Chrome “Open” dialog box will display normally again, i.e. clearly and without blurring.
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