What To Do When Google Translator Doesn’t Work

Are you trying to translate something but can’t get it right? Here’s what to do when Google Translator doesn’t work.

Whether for work, because you are traveling or reading, for example, a book in another language, we tell you what to do when the Google Translator does not work. This is the most widely used online translator, but it can give you other problems that usually have a simple solution. But first, let’s take a look at the main reasons why this can happen:

Why Google Translator Doesn’t Work For Me.

  • If you are asking yourself the question why Google Translator is not working for me, chances are that you have an Internet connection problem.
  • If you are using the application, rather than the web version, you may need to update the application.
  • If the application is updated, and the translator still does not work… Have you previously downloaded the languages you are trying to translate into?
  • If you are trying to do a voice or photo translation from the application and you can’t… Read on!
  • Another reason could be that you don’t have the right settings, i.e. if you have the English-Spanish translation, but you enter the text in Spanish instead of English, it could give an error.
  • You may also not have the “tap to translate” option activated to be able to translate directly if you are in another app without having to open the Google translator.
  • Finally, if you are using it in the web version, you may not have activated the Google translator extension…
  • For any of these circumstances, we are going to tell you what to do when Google Translator does not work:

What To Do When Google Translator Does Not Work.

For each of the above problems, we tell you what to do when Google Translator does not work. Step by step and one by one: Take note!

  • Check that you have an Internet connection. Both in the web version and in the app you will need to have a connection to be able to translate.
  • To update your version of Google Translator go to your mobile’s settings, then to applications, and look for the translator; once inside, you will see if there are updates available or not, if so, just hit update.
  • You have to keep in mind that the Google translator application works offline, of course, you will have to have previously downloaded the languages you are going to use. If you need a language that you have not downloaded, you will have to wait until you have a connection to do so. If you do not know how, we tell you here in detail. Even so, it is as simple as entering the application, then click on the three lines on the top left and, in the next drop-down menu, click on “translate offline”. A screen will open, where you can check which languages you have downloaded and download the ones you need. Done!
  • If Google Translator does not work by voice or photo, the answer is simple: you do not have an Internet connection. These two functions of the application only work if you are connected. It can also happen that you have not accepted the rights of the application to access the microphone or the image gallery or the camera of your phone. In this case, it will be the app itself that will ask you again if you want to give these accesses when you want to access these functions, as shown in the following image.
  • Sometimes, the simplest answer is the right one: check that you have properly selected (at the top of both the app and the web) the languages. If the translation seems wrong, it may be as simple as making these changes.
  • The “tap to translate” option allows you to use the Google translator from other applications without having to open it. In WhatsApp, for example, you will only have to select the text you want to translate and a translator window will appear; if you press, the app opens in a pop-up window with the translation in the languages in which you have it by default. This option may have been disabled, or you may not have it configured. If the “failure” goes that way, just go to the app, click again on the three lines of the menu, and select “Settings”. On the next screen, the first option is “tap to translate”, activate it and you’re done.
  • Something similar can happen to you in the web version, do you have the Google Translator extension installed? If not, see here how to do it.

Alternatives To Google Translator On Mobile

You already know what to do when Google Translator does not work, but if this happens more than you would like, or you are not convinced by its operation, there are other alternatives to Google Translator on mobile. Whether you want to have it as an application, or if you prefer the web version, this list of the most used ones could be useful for you. The best thing to do is to try them out and decide which one best suits your needs. However, some of the top rated applications are the following:

  • Linguee English dictionary, with a 4.7 is perfect if you only need to translate in English.
  • Reverso translator, with the same score, also translates according to the context, which will be useful, for example, for single sentences or if you have a more advanced level.
  • Instant Voice Translator, for not using the keyboard in your most immediate translations and with a 4.7 out of 5 equally.
  • With a slightly lower score, 4.3 is the translator of DeepL, this translator is one of the best in its web version, with almost perfect translations of the most complicated texts.
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