How to create an account on Flickr to store and sell photos

The different social networks that exist today allow us to share almost any type of content we can think of, however Flickr, the ones that are most used and therefore are in fashion are those networks where we can share photos and videos such as Instagram where we can share Reels or Tik Tok usually created by ourselves. For this reason, taking into account the variety of options available, it is extremely difficult to decide on one of these networks to share our fun and entertaining videos.

If we are looking to store or even sell our photos, Flickr is the solution we are looking for since it has a huge amount of users with whom we can interact so it deserves that we invest some time in knowing its usefulness and services provided as well as the necessary steps to create an account on this interesting platform, that is why we bring this article designed to let us know the benefits of this application.

What types of Flickr profiles are there?

If we are not yet members of this excellent application and we really want to belong to this community of users, most likely we are wondering about the steps we must take in order to open an account and we may even wonder if we can have two accounts at the same time on the same mobile as we do in Tik Tok and thus begin to share photos and videos, but before explaining step by step how we can register and have an account, we must first know that this application has more than one type of account so we must know them to proceed.

Free account

The free account provides us with many benefits that we can take full advantage of, for starters it provides us with a whole terabyte for storing videos and photos so we can save at least half a million images with a very good resolution and videos but it has a rather annoying disadvantage and that is that while browsing the site we will have to see advertising at every moment. So if we are the type of people who find the constant presence of advertising videos annoying, instead of a free account it is better to think about another option.

Account without advertising

This account is much better than the previous option especially if we are annoyed by advertising videos, and it offers all the benefits offered by the free account but without any advertising while browsing the application, of course these benefits without advertising may not be free, it is a payment option that we can choose to do it annually or monthly, so if we want this account, it is best that we start to throw numbers and calculate what is the best way to start enjoying an account free of advertising payment.

Tumblr account

If neither of the two types of account that we have described satisfies our requirement, we have this option which is a type of account with all the advantages available in the free account and what is better, without any advertising, contains certain added benefits such as the addition of 1 Terabytes extra to store photos and video, but although the idea of having 2 Terabytes of storage sounds great, the reality is that this account is much more expensive than the account without advertising as it has an approximate price of 448 euros per year so again we have to budget if we want to get an account of this type.

How can I create a Flickr profile?

Flickr is the application to store and sell photographs, with its different types of account allows us to open them from our mobile device or even from our computer, therefore, since we know a little more about the application, what it is and its benefits, we are ready to create an account and start enjoying the services of Flickr. Let’s see step by step how we can register to create an account in this interesting social network.

From your cell phone

Since now most users prefer to manage their accounts from their cell phones, we will begin by explaining this procedure that we must follow carefully to open an account from any type of smartphone regardless of whether it is Android or iPhone, the first thing we must do access the website from the browser that we have available on the mobile, remembering that in Instagram ‘Website’ has an interesting meaning, after we are on the home page of the social network we must click on ‘Start Free’ to register our new account.

The following is to fill our the fields that we are requested with our data, these are name, surname, email, age among others, we place the password and to finalize the registration we click on ‘Register’, then, as happens with other registrations, Once we confirm it, that is to say, we click on the link, this will take us to another window where we must click on the button ‘Okay’ and that’s it, we have already created the account, what remains now is to log in so we fill in the data and enter.

From your computer

The procedure to open an account on Flickr from a computer with Windows or MacOS is similar and very simple, since the website is in Spanish and that makes the task much easier, also the procedure is indifferent to the operating system so the steps are as follows, from our favorite web browser, we access the official website of the application, when we are on the home page we must click on the button that says ‘Register’ which is located just in the upper right corner of the page.

After we complete the previous step, we will see a new screen in which we must fill in the requested fields by placing our name, last name, email, Age and we must also place the password to create our Flickr account, once all the fields are filled, we click on ‘Register’ that we can find it at the bottom, after this as happens with the registration by mobile, the page sends us a verification link to our email, so we enter the email and clicking on the link, we verify our registration and we are ready to use our account.

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