How to Recover archived emails in Gmail

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If you have archived emails in Gmail, here’s how to easily recover them. The archiving feature in Gmail is useful to have perfectly organized all your emails. The emails are hidden, they do not disappear completely. We tell you how to recover archived emails in Gmail to use them again whenever you want. Gmail is … Read more

How to set read confirmation in Gmail in 2024

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Gmail can ask other users to confirm that they have read your emails. Here’s how to do it on desktop and mobile. The reading confirmation in Gmail is the ideal way to know if the recipient opened and read the email we sent. Generally, this system is not widely used in personal environments, but it … Read more

How to stop receiving ads in Gmail in 2024

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It’s no secret that Gmail contains advertising. But with this article, we show you how to make it disappear. Gmail is a free email service. However, its maintenance and operation generate costs to Google that must be covered somehow and one of the most effective methods to generate revenue is advertising. It is necessary to … Read more

How to know if an email has been read in Gmail

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Here are the options available to find out if an email you have sent in Gmail has been read. Gmail is one of the main managers that leads the ranking of email platforms. Its versatility on mobile devices and computers and its simple interface for receiving and sending emails are the key to its success. … Read more

How to convert Gmail Email to pdf | Easy Method 2024

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We tell you how to save a copy of Gmail emails in pdf format. Gmail is one of the most popular email services provided by Google company. Gmail has a simple mobile app where you can send and receive messages efficiently. Among the emails, we receive we may receive some that we need to save … Read more

How to create a contact group in Gmail

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Find out how to create contact groups and send an email to several recipients at once. Gmail has been in operation for fifteen years and has become one of the most powerful email managers due to the enormous functions it possesses and which are useful for the daily work of millions of users. Google’s email … Read more

How to Delete a message sent by mistake in Gmail

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How to delete a message in Gmail if you have sent a message by mistake Communication via email is nowadays an essential tool to deal with any personal or business matter. One of the biggest email managers is Gmail belonging to the Google company. With Gmail, we can send and receive emails from our mobile … Read more