You need to know the latitude and longitude of a place to locate it precisely on a map? Google Maps provides them to you in one click! And, conversely, you can use these coordinates to find a place.
It is not always possible to indicate a postal address to give a geographical position. This is the case, for example, for a place located in the middle of nowhere, in an area without a street or number, whether it is an isolated house in the countryside, a remarkable place in the mountains, a lost island, or simply a meeting point for a hike. It is therefore not easy to indicate your precise position to friends or a delivery man, for example, even if you give detailed explanations with many landmarks!
However, there is a simple and universal way to locate a place precisely: GPS coordinates, or, more precisely, latitude and longitude. Often expressed in decimal degrees, these two numbers correspond to the latitude and longitude, which are written in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Thus, 48.858335, 2.294349 correspond to 48°51’30.0 “N 2°17’39.7 “E in angular notation. Used by the GPS system – and by sailors for centuries! -These coordinates give the exact position of any point on the planet. And, of course, to get there, with a navigation software or application.
Of course, few people know the GPS coordinates of a place by heart! But it is very easy to get them with Google Maps, either with a web browser or with a mobile application. Note that the method is valid in the wilderness as well as in the city.
How to get the latitude and longitude of a place with the web version of Google Maps?
Google Maps instantly provides you with the latitude and longitude of a location pointed on a map.
- Open your regular web browser and go to Google Maps.
- Use the search box at the top left or the mouse and zoom functions to get to the area you want. Depending on the case, switch to map mode or satellite view to better visualize the location and its surroundings.
- When you have located the place you are looking for, right-click on it – right-click with the mouse.
- A pop-up menu appears. The latitude and longitude are displayed at the top of the first line in decimal notation. Simply click on these coordinates to copy them to your computer’s clipboard. Then just paste the information into a text document to save it or into a message to send it to someone.
How to get the latitude and longitude of a place with the Google Maps app?
On both Android and iOS, the Google Maps app can also provide you with the latitude and longitude of any location pointed on a map.
- On your tablet or phone, open the Google Maps app.
- Search for the location you are interested in on the map using the usual methods, from a city, town, or other location by zooming in on the map, switching to satellite or map view, and zooming in as much as possible to be accurate.
- Once you’re in the area you want, long-press the location. A red marker immediately appears on the location, while its latitude and longitude are displayed just below the map and in the search box at the top, in decimal notation.
- Press the red mark.
- A new screen appears with several information and options. Tap the GPS coordinates shown at the bottom. They are immediately copied to the clipboard of your device. All you have to do is paste the information into a text document to save it or into a message to send it to someone.
How to find a place according to its GPS coordinates with the web version of Google Maps?
You want to locate a place on a map according to its latitude and longitude? It’s easy with Google Maps!
- Open your usual web browser and go to Google Maps.
- In the Google Maps search box at the top of the left pane, type or paste the GPS coordinates – latitude and longitude – in decimal notation – for example, 44.8698 5.0778 – separated by a space. The best way to do this is to get them from a message that was sent to you. Be careful, use a period and not a comma to separate the decimal part! Google Maps uses the Anglo-Saxon system… You can also use coordinates in angular notation – for example, 44°51’53.2 “N 5°02’48.2 “E -, but they are more complex to handle and longer to type.
- Press the Enter key on the keyboard or click on the magnifying glass to validate and launch the search.
- Immediately, Google Maps refocuses the map on the concerned area by placing a red marker to indicate the precise position of the place corresponding to the entered coordinates. You can then use the classic Google Maps functions to discover the surroundings in satellite view or in map mode or to launch the calculation of a route.
How to find a place according to its GPS coordinates with the Google Maps application?
The mobile version of Google Maps also allows you to use latitude and longitude to locate a place precisely.
- On your tablet or phone, open the Google Maps app.
- In the search field at the top of the screen, type or paste the GPS coordinates – latitude and longitude – in decimal notation – for example, 44.8698 5.0778 – separating them with space. The best way to do this is to get them from a message that was sent to you. Be careful, use a period (point) and not a comma to separate the decimal part! Curiously, Google Maps doesn’t correct this error and loses the pedals if there are commas in the coordinates…
- Press the magnifying glass icon on the keyboard to launch the search.
- Immediately, Google Maps refocuses the map on the area concerned by placing a red marker to indicate the precise position of the place corresponding to the coordinates entered. All that’s left to do is to use the classic Google Maps functions to discover the surroundings in satellite view or in map mode, or to launch the calculation of a route.
- If you wish, you can press the red marker to get more information – and even photos – about the designated location.