What are files with KMZ extension – what are they for and how to open them?

Nowadays we can learn many new things that can benefit us in our everyday life with KMZ extension, as technology is becoming a part of it. That is why applications or programs and even devices are always being updated so that we can use them in a simple and useful way. Therefore, it is important for you to know the function performed by the ASF and KMZ extension files, which we will talk about next.

These files from Google Maps, are a software that can help us to store or save information about the location where we have been, all this without the need to have some kind of GPS service. This type of format or KMZ extension, contains a great content of elements with a lot of valuable information that allows us to have one or more addresses of the places or sites that we want to look for, that is why here we will show you how to make good use of it.

What is the use of files with .KMZ extension?

This type of file is used to store geographic coordinates of maps that could be found and viewed by applications or software that perform global mapping. Commonly, these types of programs contain internally the latitudinal and longitudinal directions of a given location, custom names and important location details.   

It is important to mention, that its main function is to provide a wide panoramic view of any geographical area of the planet, so that all its users can use it as a safe, quick guide and in turn easily find various locations put on it by Google Maps through Android devices. This program is also based on a standard model called XML that comprises a structure with tags containing attributes and various elements with animations.

As well as some additional elements such as 3D models, images, custom masks and icons. Finally, by having a wide variety of content included in a simple ZIP compression program, it allows its users to use different Apps available on the market today thanks to its compatibility with most of them.

How can I open files with a .KMZ extension?

Something important to mention is that the most important feature of the program types with extension format is that without a doubt all users will be able to view the content stored in it, using any smart device, PC or laptop. To perform these procedures the only thing you will need is to have downloaded and previously installed a program or App that has all the necessary functions and tools to control it.

On a Windows computer

If it is the case that you are using any computer with Windows operating system and you need to access a file with KMZ extension and you do not know how to do it, then what you should do is to go to your web browser and look for a Chrome extension ‘KML and KMZ Viewer with Drive’, now what you should do is to download it on your PC and proceed to follow each of the steps indicated to configure it in the same and in this way you can open your KMZ file.

On Mac

On Mac computers, most of these files with KMZ extension can be opened thanks to programs or Apps with Google Drive functions and tools. These will help you to find the geographic addresses you saved in it and share the location via facebook messenger or any other social site you prefer.

The first thing to do is to install Google Drive on your Mac, then you must access Google Earth and click on the navigation menu. Now you must click on the option that says ‘Import KMZ or KML file’. Afterwards, a pop-up window will appear on the screen, click on the ‘Locations’ option. Next, select the ‘More’ option and then click on Google Drive. Finally, just tap on the Drive icon that you will see on the screen and select an account and you can click on the file so that you can view it.

On Android

Android has a great variety of Apps that help you to perform any task, however to directly open this type of files from the SD or internal memory of any Android device is not possible. Although you can access it through a PC or laptop and following these steps:

  • To do this you will need to have the Google Maps program on your computer and log into it in order to enter the ‘My Places’ section and then click where it says ‘Create maps’.
  • Then from there you must choose the option that will say ‘Import’, then look for the KMZ file that you want to view from your Android smart device.
  • Now, when you have already imported all the KMZ files to the Google Maps App and from your computer, then you can log out so that you can access from your Android device to the Maps app.
  • After you have accessed it you should select the ‘Layers’ option and then the other option that says ‘More Layers’. Then choose the option ‘My layers’ and there you will see all the KMZ files that you have passed from the computer and finally if you click on the map, it will automatically be displayed on the terminal.

From iPhone or iPad

If you have devices with iOS operating systems, then you can open your files with KMZ extension using the Google Earth App. Once you have it downloaded on your device you must enter it and press on the three lines that are shown in the upper right part of the screen. Then you must click on the option that says ‘My Places’, and then on ‘import KML files’ located at the bottom of the screen. Now click on the file you want to open. Finally, if you want to go back to the home screen of the map to see the KMZ file you have imported then click on the back arrows that will appear on the screen.

What are the best applications we can use to open documents with .KMZ extension?

Although for many it may be a somewhat strange extension format, it is important for its users to know that there are excellent programs that will allow you to open these files with KMZ extension, which help you to save geographic addresses and you will be able to visualize them on your map and thus see the identification of locations all over the planet.

Adobe Photoshop

This type of program is capable of performing many functions such as having the ability to be compatible with many formats, such as KMZ and KML, allowing you to open any type of files with these extensions from your computer easily and quickly. With it you can edit, create vector graphics, 3D images and also the excellent ability to work with layers, which makes it a surprisingly useful software for professionals in photography, graphic designers and any other artist who requires this means to carry out functions without having large processes that can be very tedious.

Global Mapper

This App is known by many, as a GIS data processing program or also called geographic information system. It includes all kinds of cartographic and map information to provide any information about locations all over the world. This great tool will help you to make your maps more visual because it includes a drop count option with an amazing speed to load any kind of vector document, since it works with many formats such as KMZ. So, it is for this reason that it becomes a great option to open those files and visualize them.

Google Maps

This tool is the best known all over the world to open any type of file with KMZ extension and view the map stored in it. Well, it is an App that guarantees you to be able to get updates of locations as well as your current location and know others in a specific way. It also specializes in the world of cartography, so many of its users use it to know directions or different routes that guide them to a certain place. Finally, this wonderful App can be used as a GPS being currently available for any type of smart device or computer.


This program apart from being completely free, is especially aimed at professional users or those who work with editing multimedia files. This software will help you create and customize 3D files or videos with high quality. You will also be able to edit files with three-dimensional formats. Also, you will be able to open files with KMZ extension since Blender is compatible with these types of software, so you will be able to see the locations saved in it.

ArcGIS desktop

Another program that is currently being widely used and that also has excellent location recognition capabilities is ArcGIS. The main function of this program is to manage data, design maps in a professional style, take snapshots, perform basic and specific intelligent analysis, create 3D scenes, as well as solve common errors. So, it is ideal for opening files with KMZ extension, modifying and accessing the map through it.

How can I convert KMZ files to KML and vice versa?

To convert a file with KML extension into a KMZ, the first thing to do is to use a program to compress files such as WinRaR, 7-ZIP or WinZip to compress the KML’ file or files to the ZiP format. Then you must change the ZiP extension of the file you have created by the KMZ program and you are ready to convert KML files to KMZ. Now, to perform the opposite procedure, i.e. to convert a KMZ file to KML, what you need to do is to change the extension of the files found on your computer KMZ to ZiP, then use some kind of program mentioned above so that you can unzip the file.

On the other hand, you can also convert these files by uploading the KMZ file to ikiMap as your New map and then downloading it. Thus, in this way the downloaded file will be in KML format.

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