How to know which WhatsApp friends have seen my status from Android, iOS or PC?

Find out how to know which Whatsapp friends have seen my status. WhatsApp has a status function in which you can upload music, photos and writings.  These statuses can be seen by the contacts you have added to your phone and who have a WhatsApp account within 24 hours. In this sense, it is possible that you know exactly which of your friends added in WhatsApp have seen your status, then we will tell you how to do it easily.

What do you have to do to access the views of the statuses in WhatsApp?

Having access to the views of each of your statuses is possible as long as the time limit of the status has not passed, the procedure to see the views of your statuses is as follows:

In the Android or iPhone application.

  • From your phone, open the WhatsApp application.
  • Within the application you will find the section Statuses or My Statuses, select the option as displayed on your device.
  • In the section you have opened you will find at the top the option My status press on it, you will be shown the statuses you have published in 24 hours.
  • Each publication has a separate list of viewed, to see these lists you must press on an eye-shaped icon located at the bottom of the screen, after you press on the icon you will see all the people who have seen your statuses along with the exact number of people included in the list. 

With WhatsApp Web

  • Enter WhatsApp Web officially on your computer.
  • Inside the main page you will be shown in the same way as on the phone the States section, click on it.
  • At the top of the Status section you will find the option My Status, click on it.
  • Then you will be shown the statuses you have shared in 24 hours, click on one of them, at the bottom of the status you will find an eye icon, click on it. After this you will be shown a list of people who have seen your status, you will also be shown the time it was viewed. 

Is it possible to know who has seen your status in ‘Hidden mode’?

There are many people who activate the hidden mode in WhatsApp status, this is done in order to view statuses without the owner of them realizing that they have seen it, to know if someone with this hidden mode saw your publication is currently not possible. If you have hidden mode enabled on your WhatsApp you also cannot see if other people see a status you have shared.

How can you set who sees your WhatsApp statuses from within the application?

In WhatsApp, you can determine the privacy of your statuses, i.e., you can set the status to one contact, only some or all of them:

  • Enter the WhatsApp application.
  • Now enter the settings, to do this press on the three dots icon located at the top of the main screen.
  • In the settings select the Accounts option, then click on Privacy.
  • After doing this you will be shown the section Who can see my personal information, within it is the subsection States, click on it.
  • Then you will be shown the following options, activate one of them:
  • My contacts: if you activate this option all the people in your contact list can see your statuses.
  • My contacts Except: if you click on this option you can select the contacts you do not want to see your posts.
  • Only share with: in this option you can make a group with the people you want to see your posts, you will have to select the people one by one.
  • Finally click on Save. By activating one of these functions every time you upload a status to WhatsApp the people you have selected in the options will see it.
  • These settings can be modified before uploading a status, just click on the three dots icon in the Status section to display the privacy options, click on them to edit them, if you wish. Then each status you upload will have the privacy settings you have selected.
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