How To Know Who Is Looking For You On Facebook?

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If there is something that arouses a lot of curiosity, it is How To Know Who Is Looking For You On Facebook, this is probably the most common question asked by curious users of the social network. There is a variety of tools that supposedly allow you to see the latest visitors to your Facebook … Read more

How to View All Friend Requests Sent on Facebook

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If you are one of the people who send a lot of friend requests on the main social network Facebook, you will surely receive a message alerting you not to send random friend requests while the number of requests exceeds the limit allowed in a certain period, this is Facebook’s algorithm to manage the sending … Read more

How to remove your phone number from Facebook and enable two-factor authentication without SMS. The complete guide

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We don’t want to give Facebook our phone number anymore, but we don’t want to lose the security of two-factor authentication. We explain how to remove the phone number from the social and how to activate 2FA with an external app. After the scandal about the 533 million phone numbers and data stolen from Facebook … Read more

How to block someone on Facebook couples

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Learn how to block someone on Facebook Couples will help you get rid of users who may be annoying. If you’ve come across a user who is a little more annoying than usual, you’ve probably wondered how to block someone on Facebook Couples. Facebook Matches is kind of like the Tinder of Facebook. It’s basically … Read more