How To Know My Facebook Email Address? Step by Step Guide

Many of us use Facebook to connect with friends and family. But the functionality of Facebook goes beyond that, it also serves to send emails using your own Network Identification (ID), in case you did not know here we guide you on How to Know My Facebook Email?

As it is known to open a Facebook account an email address is required and this guarantees the ownership of the account. But nowadays it is very common to have several email accounts, some to attend aspects of personal life and others associated with work or economic activities.

It often happens that when you have several accounts on the web you forget the email address of any of them, such as Facebook, this can cause frustration, so here we help you how to know my Facebook email address.

How to Find Your Facebook Email Address?

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The steps are different for the classic Facebook site and the new one on the Facebook desktop.

Find out the email address on the classic Facebook.

  • You must open your Facebook account.
  • Click on the down arrow at the top and choose Settings from the menu.
  • You must give it Insert the main email address in the General tab is next to the contact and your email will appear there.

Find your email address on the new Facebook site.

  • Open the new Facebook site.
  • Click on the down arrow in the upper right corner.
  • Choose Settings and Privacy from the list.
  • Click on Settings in the list.
  • You will be taken to the Settings screen. Here you will see your email address next to the contact under the General tab.
  • To check your secondary email address and the phone number you registered with the Facebook account, click on the Email ID.

How do I know my Facebook email from my cell phone?

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Facebook allows you to set up an account with your cell phone number. Strangely enough, many people who have created their Facebook accounts forgot their email account number.

If you are one of those who forgot their email on your Facebook account, here we will guide you on How to Know my Facebook Email from my Cell Phone?

How To Know My Email On A Cell Phone With Android System?

To do this follow these easy steps:

  • Activate the Facebook application for Android.
  • Click on the three-bar icon at the top.
  • Scroll down and click on Settings and Privacy under Tracking Settings.
  • Click on Personal information under Account settings.
  • Your primary email address will appear below where it says email address and there you can find out your Facebook email address.
  • In case it is not filled in, it means that your account was registered with your mobile phone number which appears below the phone number.
  • Click on the email address to see other email addresses registered to your Facebook account.

How To Know My Email On An iPhone?

Follow these easy steps;

  • Activate a Facebook application for iPhone
  • Click Menu or the three-bar icon at the bottom.
  • Click on Settings located under Settings and Privacy.
  • Click on Personal Information.
  • Your registered email ID will appear. Click on the email address to see the secondary email, if available.

How to Know Someone Else’s Facebook Email?

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Many businesses have Facebook as a popular global tool for digital marketing and connecting with their target audience. The intention to locate emails is a common strategy, so here’s how to find out someone else’s Facebook email address.

On the other side with the increase in marketing techniques, brands, popular businesses usually get in touch with micro-influencers through emails, as most of the business-related messages are sent through emails.

The planetary popularity of Facebook is an advantage to know the email of another person, this social network allows the vast majority of people to have in their registration accounts, their email address.

How to do it?

First of all, it should be noted that if a person has opted not to disclose his or her email address publicly when registering on Facebook, then it is difficult to search for emails. However, there is a technique to overcome this barrier.

Through the person’s Facebook Profile.

After logging into your Facebook account, go to the Facebook search bar and enter the name of the person you are interested in to access their profile.

Once there you must click on “about” and there you check information such as all the details of the user under investigation and if they have made their address public, that’s it! there you have it.

If they have not made their address public, but they have other information where you can track the person, you can also locate their address, using email search applications.

E-mail Request. 

If the person whose email address you are interested in knowing is on your Facebook friends list but does not have his or her email address publicly listed, you can directly ask him or her to provide it to you.

To do this, go to the Email section of your contact information and click on “Request email”. Facebook will send you a message notifying you that it is asking for the email address. It is good to know that this option will not allow you to type the message directly, but it will send you an automatic message along with the email request on your behalf.

There are other options to find out someone else’s Facebook email, find in addition to these manual ones we have seen above.

Through a Yahoo email account.

Facebook gives access to the emails of its users to the Yahoo account, this means that having a Yahoo account for this is the key.

With the Yahoo account, you can export the email addresses of all your Facebook friends.

If you do not have a Yahoo account, then you must create one by providing basic information, if you have one go to it.

You must log in to Yahoo Mail, this way you can export email IDs from Facebook, Gmail, Hotmail, and other email accounts.

When you log in to your Yahoo account locate yourself to click on “the Import contacts tool”. In this way, Yahoo accesses your Facebook account including your contacts and email addresses, when you click on import data, Facebook starts exporting the data to Yahoo and there you will be able to check the emails you are interested in.

Through applications.

If speed is your best option then the way to save time and find out someone else’s Facebook emails is through email search tools, which are very easy to find on the net.

Among the most popular ones are Data Extractorx, Mailbiz, MailTrack, Boomerang for Gmail, among others.

Additional tips for you to manage your Facebook account well

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Add an email address to your account.

If you registered or created a Facebook account only with your cell phone number, it is advisable to do it also with an email address. This will be useful when recovering your account if you forget your password or lose your cell phone number.

Add a secondary email address.

To ensure greater security of your Facebook account, we suggest that you add a secondary email address, this is because if your account is blocked at any time, your secondary account will get you out of trouble.

Changes for those who you do not want to find you on Facebook with email.

People who are not on your friend’s list can find you on Facebook using your primary account address. Fortunately, you can change this privacy setting and limit it to your friends only. If you also want to restrict it, just select it in the highlighted part.

You can find this setting under Facebook Settings/Privacy. Click Edit next to “Who can search for you using the email address you provided?”, select your preferred option.

Basic email verification.

We advise that you should check your primary Facebook email address at least once a year. We usually forget our Facebook email address and it is not common to choose to change it, you should not wait for something to happen or have a major difficulty.

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