How To Create And Activate A Playstation Network Account

Learn how to create and activate a Playstation network account. It is very common to enter the services of an electronic device in which you have to register before with a user account. Luckily, the procedures are very simple when you are already a veteran Internet user and if this is not the case, you can always ask for help.

If you are the lucky owner of a Sony console, you should learn how to create a PlayStation Network account. We tell you how to do it from the different platforms so that you do not miss any of the advantages it offers.

How to create your PSN account

Let’s put you in the situation: you decide to buy a PS4 or PS5 now, you get home and once connected all the cables you find that you have to create your profile on the console.

So you have to create a new account on the new machine. This will take very little time, but if you need to connect your console to the Net you will have to activate PlayStation Network.

The process will take you a few seconds and to start you must enter the Account > Profile section to access the two available options: log in with your account already created or open a new one.

You are interested in the second one if you want to create your PSN account. This is the fastest process from the console itself, although you can also do it from the PlayStation website.

You will have to fill in all the typical personal data of a login such as date of birth, full name and email, among others, and then you just have to verify your account through the email that you have received at the end of the registration process. At this point you don’t have to worry about anything else, as your PSN account will have been registered.

When all this procedure is finished, you can now log in to your PlayStation console to receive in your email the latest news and receive all the achievements of the games you have installed on the machine.

These will pop up automatically once you meet the requirements you are asked to obtain them. And while we are talking about the achievements, once you complete the last one you will get the rarest award of all: the platinum.

Can you share your PSN account?

At this point, you can activate the rest of the online features of your PlayStation console. But we can still offer you one more trick, which is to share your PSN account.

This is a function with which you can even share your games with other friends as long as you have them in digital format.

Of course, as far as sharing games is concerned, you can also leave them to your friends if you have them in physical format with their usual box and disc.

What you have to do to activate this feature is to follow the steps below:

  • Activate your PlayStation
  • Go to “Settings”.
  • Go to “Account Management
  • Activate your PS4 as primary
  • Click on “Activate”.
  • After that, you can log in with your account on a friend’s console, from which you can play your games as long as you download them first.

Let’s say, a friend can enjoy some of the new PlayStation games for this 2021 if you buy them in digital format and then download them on your own console.

You should know that this trick can also serve you for your PlayStation 5, which has become one of the most desired objects since last year when many bought it to resell it due to the shortage of production of the Japanese company.

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