How to see the requests that have been sent on Instagram – Find out here.

Find out how to see the requests that have been sent on Instagram. One of the achievements of social networks is that they have managed to keep people connected no matter where they are in the world, just send a request to the person with whom we want to connect and wait for them to accept.  

Unlike other social networks instagram gives you much more information about certain publications and actions that you have carried out, so you can know the people who have seen your reels, or videos from your IGTV channel.

As well as see the requests you have sent to other users. Be sure to read this article if you want to remember which contacts you have sent these requests to.

How to see the requests that have been sent from Instagram settings?

There are small variations if the device you are using has the android or iOS operating system, which we will introduce you to immediately

With Android mobiles

  • The first thing we have to do is to enter our instagram profile by selecting the icon with the photo you have chosen and that is located at the bottom right, once you have opened the mobile application.
  • Then we go to the menu located at the top left (Options), when deploying the same within the alternatives that are presented we have the ‘Settings’ which we will select.
  • Then we enter the ‘Access to data’ section which is located in the ‘Data and history’ section which in turn is located within ‘Security’ (shield icon).
  • Finally, in the ‘Connections’ section, select the ‘View all’ label, which is blue and is located under ‘Current follower requests’ and you will see a list with the name of the accounts to which you have sent requests.  

From iPhone devices

The above procedure applies equally for both Android devices and those working in iOS environment, so read it carefully and follow the steps whatever your mobile is.

What to do to view pending requests on your Instagram account from a computer? 

If on the other hand you are a person who prefers using computers then you have to follow these steps and you will be able to observe the pending requests on your instagram account, so you can give answers to them as you wish.

Entering the Instagram website

  • We go to the main instagram website, there we will have to place our username and password in the boxes provided for this purpose, you can also access with your facebook data by clicking on the option ‘Login with facebook.
  • It will take you to the facebook login page where you will have to put your email or phone number associated with your account, as well as the corresponding security key and ready you will see the instagram inbox.
  • Go to ‘current follow requests
  • Once on the main screen we click on the icon that has our profile image on the top right.
  • We enter the ‘Settings’ option from the menu that automatically pops up, it will take you to a page of options that has a series of alternatives on the left side, choose the one called ‘Privacy and security’ and once in them go to the ‘Account data’ section and click on the blue letters button ‘View account data’.
  • You will see a screen divided into 4 different options go to the one called ‘Contacts’ which is located at the top right.
  • Within this option the first one that appears is ‘Current Follow Requests’ click on the blue letters that say ‘View all’ and you will go directly to that option where you will be presented with a list of accounts that you have requested to follow and from which you have not received any response. 

How to delete all the requests sent from an Instagram account?

The requests sent can be deleted as you do with the followers, so if your requests have been ignored, it has been a long time without receiving a response and you want to delete them, the procedure you must follow is presented below:

Once you are in the list of accounts that have not answered you copy the one you want to delete (you can use the shortcut Ctrl+v).

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