How to turn my personal Facebook profile into a commercial fan page? – Step by step

Learn how to turn my personal Facebook profile into a commercial fan page. Facebook is a very versatile social network, which allows you to connect with your closest friends, followers and family; however, nowadays it also allows you to change your personal profile into a fanpage, so you can be that influencer you long for.

For these reasons, today we are going to give you the steps you need to convert your personal Facebook profile to a fanpage for your followers.

What should you take into account when you want to create a page with your Facebook?

Before we start telling you how you can create your Facebook page with your profile, we are going to give you a little idea of what a fanpage is;  fanpage is, where people can follow you and see the content you share.

Now that you know what a fanpage is, you should know that before you start your migration from your personal profile to a fanpage, your name, profile picture and cover will be migrated to this page and will appear with the name you have in your profile. 

That is why before doing this step, you must configure your name, if you do not want it to appear with the same first name, you must also change the cover photo and profile picture, in this way you will have your fanpage configured as you like. 

Apart from this, you must be very clear that when you do this you will not be able to revert anything, that is to say, when you migrate from your personal profile to your fanpage you will not be able to recover your personal profile, you would have to create another one, so if you are afraid, you can practice with another profile that you do not use.

Now that you are aware of the consequences that this entails, we can proceed to give you the following steps to follow to set up your account. 

Days counted to migrate the information

Once you decide what you want to start with your migration; Facebook will give you the options of what content you want to appear on your fanpage. So it will give you 14 days to migrate to it, such content can be the videos or photos you have in your profile, so that when you have your fanpage configured, they will appear in the content of the same. 

In turn, Facebook will notify the friends you have in this account that you have changed your profile to a fanpage, so that they can follow you in your new Facebook page, and in this way you can increase the likes of your Facebook page organically, so you will avoid sanctions by Facebook policies. 

No access to groups you used to participate in

When you have your Facebook profile as a fanpage; you will lose all those accesses you had before with your personal profile, one of these is the groups you belonged to, since when you change to a fanpage you will have to create your own groups or join others with the profile of your page.

No private messages will be seen

Another very important point is that you will not be able to access the private messages that you had previously with your personal profile, since when you change as a fanpage; you will only be able to see and receive those messages sent to this page. 

However, we have to remind you that this action of migrating from personal profile to Facebook page, can only be reversed by deleting the Facebook profile otherwise it can not be done.

How to start the process of migrating your profile to a Facebook page?

In order to start this process, you must first log in to your Facebook account, then go to Then you must follow the steps that we are going to mention below:

Fill in the complete information

Once you enter the link, you will see a form, where you must enter all the information requested in order to start with the change of your profile to Facebook page.

Select friends from your profile to the page

After you have your information updated and provided to the fanpage; you can select the friends you want to follow your page, in this way, Facebook will notify your friends that you selected, so that they accept your invitation.

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