How to zoom in Google maps | Step by Step Guide

If you still don’t know how to zoom in Google Maps, keep reading, it will be useful if you’re lost…

Knowing how to zoom in on Google Maps can get us out of more than one trouble, when we do not know the way to the place we are going, or if we are lost. Moreover, it is as simple as intuitive.

When you enter the application, a map size will appear by default. But, whether you want to have a more global view of the area where you are or the way you want to go, or if you need more detail to find a specific point, such as a store or the number of a street, you should know how to zoom in Google Maps and how to adjust it.

How to zoom in google maps

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To zoom in Google Maps, enter the application, but the address you are looking for and decide between these two ways to do it:

  • Tapping twice with your finger on the screen. You can do it as many times as you want to zoom in a little more with each tap.
  • “Pinch” your fingers away, as if you wanted to zoom in with your hand.

How to adjust the zoom in google maps

Have you zoomed in too much and want to zoom out? Here’s how to adjust the zoom in Google Maps:

Pinch the screen this time by pinching your fingers closer to zoom out.

You can also swipe left or right, up and down, to find the exact spot you are interested in and “play” with the zoom to find what you are looking for.

Control Google maps zoom levels

It may happen that by zooming in and out we lose the notion of distance and dimensions, therefore, controlling the zoom levels of Google Maps can be useful to have a clearer idea of the reality reflected on the map.

The first thing you should know is that the zoom level increases by one point each time you double-tap your finger; and the higher the zoom level, the more details you will see on the map. Therefore, with lower levels, we will have a more global image. With a zoom level 1, you can see the world on Google Maps; with level 5 you can see land and continents; with level 10 cities; with level 15 streets, and with level 20 specific buildings.

Changing the view on Google maps

Once it is clear how to zoom in on Google Maps and what it involves, it may also be useful to learn how to change the view in Google Maps. The application has different varieties so you can use the map in the way that best suits you. Let’s go through the steps!

  • Go to Google Maps and click on the square drop-down indicated in the following image. You will also need to activate your phone’s location.
  • Select from the different grid options and choose the one that suits you best.
  • To change the view to Street View you can also enter an address in the search engine and click on the little square that appears at the bottom left with the real view.
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