How To Tag On Facebook In A Story | Easy Guide

Find out how to tag your contacts in Facebook stories

Facebook stories give us the possibility to share moments temporarily. In them you can also tag friends or family to share it on their profiles. See how to tag on Facebook in a story easily.

Facebook added in 2017 the feature of stories. The peculiarity of the stories is that their duration is 24 hours then they disappear automatically and without a trace. Once published you can see who of your contacts have viewed them.

In addition to sharing images or videos in Facebook stories we can also put GIFs, music or even tag a contact to see it and if you want, also share it on your profile. Here’s how to tag on Facebook in a story.

  • Open the Facebook app and then at the top click on “Create story”.
  • Then choose the image or video you want to share.
  • Now you should look for the “Tag” option that either appears at the bottom under “Add Stickers” or you should open it by clicking on the “stickers” button.
  • Once you click on “Tag” you will get a list of your Facebook contacts. Just choose the person you want to tag to be included. You can repeat the process to tag more than one person.
  • Finally, click on “Share story”.
  • If you make a mistake when tagging the contact, just drag their name to the trash can that appears and the tag will disappear from the screen.

How To Tag On Facebook From Your Mobile

You already know how to tag on Facebook in a story. Now we are going to explain how to tag any contact in a post on Facebook from your cell phone.

To tag on Facebook from mobile any contact in a publication the first thing to do is to enter the platform and click on “Create publication”. Then write what you want to publish and if you want to include images or videos.

Then at the bottom of your mobile screen you will see the option “tag people”. Click on it and in the list of your contacts that appears, check the box on the right side of the contacts you are going to tag. Finally, click on “Done”.

You will now return to the screen where you were creating your post. If you are done, click on the “Publish” button in the upper right corner of the screen.

How To Tag Multiple Friends On Facebook

Facebook allows you to mention more than one contact in any post. You just need to know how to tag multiple friends on Facebook.

To do this, open Facebook and click on “Create post”. Configure what you are going to publish and then choose “Tag people”. In the list that appears you just have to check the box next to the name of the person you want to tag. Do the same with all the people you want to tag. Then click on “Done” and finally on “Publish”.

How To Make A Story On Facebook From Your Pc

It is just as interesting to create stories on Facebook from your mobile as it is to create them from any computer. Here’s how to make a Facebook story from your PC.

The first thing you need to do is to log in to the Facebook page in your web browser. Then at the top choose “Create a story”. Now Facebook asks you to choose between uploading a story with photos or just text. Then you have to start creating your story. Put the text you want and in the case you have chosen with images choose them from your pc.

As you configure it you will see a preview of how it looks. In the case of the text you can choose between different backgrounds. When you have it configured click on “Publish story”.

How To Upload Stories To Facebook Page From Pc

If you need to know how to upload stories to Facebook page from PC you just have to open Facebook and then enter your page. Then click on “create a post”. Write what you want to put in the story and when you have it done you just have to choose on the right side the option “story from your page” to be shared.

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