Can you Pay cash at Uber eats?

With every new food delivery app we download, the same question comes up: can you pay cash at Uber Eats? The answer is yes, follow these steps.

We are aware that there are more and more telematic payment methods, but can you pay cash at Uber Eats? Uber’s food delivery application does allow cash payment, you just have to choose this payment method as the default from our user profile so that the delivery driver who accepts our order knows that we will pay in cash and not through cards or PayPal.

Paying in cash has some advantages since we will save having to enter all our debit or credit card details (or our PayPal user). Another benefit that we almost never take into account is that, with cash payment in this type of application, we will also have more conscious control of what we spend on food at home, which also comes quite a lot in these times.

How to pay cash on uber eats

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To find out how to pay cash at Uber Eats, you have two options. In the first, you can place your order as normal in the app, and when you go to initiate a payment, select cash payment. To do this, we click on ‘Pay’ and we will see the breakdown of everything we have included in our order. Just below the total price, we will find the option ‘Start payment’, which we will have to click on.

A screen will then appear where we can choose between the different payment methods offered by Uber Eats. We select ‘Cash’ and a message will appear suggesting that, if we choose this option, we try to provide the exact amount when the delivery driver arrives. Click on ‘Next’ and all that remains is to click on ‘Place order’ so that the restaurant starts to prepare it and it is already specified that we will pay in cash.

Another way is to configure our users without placing an order. To do this, when we open the application we will have to click on the menu that we will find at the bottom of our screen in ‘Account’. There we will see several sections and we will enter ‘Wallet’ (or ‘Payment’, depending on the version of the application you have on your mobile). We will only have to click on ‘Add payment method’ and select ‘Cash’ so that this method will be the default in our profile.

How to pay in uber eatsĀ 

On the other hand, if you are one of those who prefer to use other payment methods other than cash, you will be interested to know how to pay in Uber Eats. You just have to follow the same path that we have indicated in the previous point and get to ‘Add payment method’, so you can see the different options we have to pay for our orders.

In addition to cash, Uber Eats gives you the option to pay via credit or debit card and PayPal. To add the former, the app will ask you to enter your card details, a process that you will only have to carry out once. In the case of PayPal, if you choose this option the application will take you to their website in the browser and you will have to log in. We tried to set it up, but it took a long time to load, while with the credit card option there was no problem.

Finally, you should also note that you can add a discount coupon. If you find one online or through the Uber Eats app itself (via email or through their Instagram profile), just click ‘Add coupon’ to enter the code and get a few dollars off your order.

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