Mortgage Forum: Find Out Which Mortgages Are Most Recommended by Online Users

Find out about a mortgage forum. You may have heard about mortgages on a forum and you may have wondered what they are and if they can be useful to allow you to find the most suitable solution for the purchase of your home. In this guide we are going to answer these two questions, showing you all their characteristics.

Mortgages and forums: a perfect match

The etymology of the word forum comes from Latin and indicates a place such as a square or a specific environment where people meet to discuss a topic. In the digital era this place has become virtual by moving to the web and becoming part of a website, blog or real estate platform. But what are mortgage forums? They are meeting points between different users who need to find information, ask questions and know what are the steps to obtain a mortgage. Today there are more and more platforms that offer this service in order to make the process of choosing a financing transparent and allow people to evaluate in a short time the possible solutions available online.

How the choice of a mortgage is made

The forum is a meeting point, so you will have the opportunity to write a post, read something that has been drafted by another user and express your opinion on a particular mortgage. It should not be confused with a social group or a chat room, although you can find it on a social network. In fact, the forum has strict rules, with a moderator and most importantly there will be only one topic that will be discussed.

To access you will have to register to the site in which you will be required to enter your name, surname, email address and a nickname, or a kind of nickname with which you will be displayed in the forum. Once the verification of your identity is complete, you will have to read carefully the rules of the platform in order not to risk inserting content that does not fit the themes of the forum.

Once your registration is verified, you can access the platform and view the different discussions. You must consider that under the heading mortgage forum, there will be a series of sub-sections each with specific comments on that theme. To participate in the forum, all you have to do is ask a question or write a comment in a conversation that has already begun.

What are the benefits of mortgage forums

Why is a mortgage forum useful? Firstly, it saves you time, as you will have the opportunity to get a number of suggestions on which financing to evaluate and then go to check individual rates and costs. Another important aspect is related to the impression the individual customer has had and their satisfaction. In fact, in the Mortgage Forums comments are inserted concerning the underwriting procedures, the assistance and the behavior of the credit institution or financial institution in case of changes and difficulties.

User evaluations can be very useful in choosing between two mortgages that offer you similar offers and the same advantages. In addition, you should consider the possibility of requesting quotes directly using the forum platform that will connect you to the page of the bank of reference in order to proceed with a simulation and then the subscription. Finally, you will have the possibility to view only the financial products that are judged valid by users.

The most convenient mortgages

Here are the main mortgages that are considered convenient.

  • Credit Agricole: if you need to buy a first home, with amounts of less than € 100,000, the Credit Agricole basic mortgage offers you excellent opportunities, both in terms of costs and timing. You will have a 20-year repayment plan, with a fixed rate of around 0.66% and an APR of 1%. Much appreciated by customers for the speed of the preliminary investigation.
  • Intesa Sanpaolo: is among the banks recommended on the Mortgage Forums thanks to a product designed to make the purchase of a first home an accessible process for a wide target of customers. You will be financed up to 50% of the amount of the property with a 30-year amortization plan on which a TAN of 0.9% and an APR of 1% are applied, with no preliminary investigation costs. A mortgage recommended even if the subscription will have to be made in branch.
  • Credem: the aspects that have led online users to consider the Credem mortgage among those to be underwritten is the combination of an online service with competitive costs. In fact, the whole procedure can be carried out through your smartphone, you just need to download the relevant app and have an active current account. Even the signature is digital a factor that reduces the time of preliminary investigation. For a loan of 100,000 € a TAN of 0.98% and an APR that is just over one percentage point apply. Finally, it has received numerous positive comments, also for its accessory costs, given that you do not have to pay for the appraisal and the disbursement takes place at the moment the contract is signed.
  • WeBank: this is one of the most recommended mortgages by online users, thanks to its advantageous interest rates and the possibility of requesting a quote and completing the procedure on the bank’s website. You can obtain up to 70% of the value of the property with a 20-year amortization plan, an annual rate of 0.81% and an APR of 1.07%
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