How To Make An Official Company Account On Whatsapp


Do you want your company to make the most of instant messaging? We show you how to make an official company account on WhatsApp. Communicating with your customers via WhatsApp is becoming more and more common in companies of all kinds. Although it is mainly a tool used by SMEs, there are also medium and … Read more

How To Stop Them From Seeing Me Online On Whatsapp


You do not want your contacts can control when you are online? We teach you how to make so that they do not see me online on WhatsApp. WhatsApp has several options to help you maintain your privacy, such as removing the read confirmation or the last connection time. But there is something that you … Read more

Why Don’t My Whatsapp Messages Arrive Until I Open Whatsapp?


Find out why don’t my whatsapp messages arrive until I open Whatsapp. Are you wondering why I don’t receive WhatsApp messages until I open WhatsApp? Relax, it’s a problem that has a solution. You haven’t received any notifications, so you think you don’t have any new messages. But then you open your instant messaging app … Read more