How To Set A Background In Telegram In 2024

We explain step by step how to set a background in Telegram in 2022 and show you how to change the color or theme. take note!

Besides being one of the most popular apps in the world, it is one of the most customization options offered, from how to put a background in Telegram in 2022, to what is a theme and how to change it, there are many nuances. The messaging application, in addition, boasts of being one of the safest that exist, it is free and already has in the world with more than 500 million active users per month.

If you are one of the people who have just installed one of the 10 most downloaded applications of the moment, you may still not be clear about how it works. Today we stop to customize its interface: how to put a background in Telegram in 2022, how to change the background, or the color, among others. Let’s start!

How To Set A Background In Telegram In 2022

Before knowing how to put a background in Telegram in 2021, download the app and create your account. Then, access the “Settings” tab and then “Chats”; it is there that you must get to be able to put into practice the tricks that we are going to give you below. Once inside, let’s change the background:

  • You just have to locate the phrase where it says “Change chat background”.
  • You will then access the following screen where you have several options to do so.
  • The top one is “Choose from gallery”. Pressing it will take you directly to the photos on your mobile, and you will be able to choose the one you want to appear in the background of your conversations.
  • The next one is “Choose a color”, with a wide variety, as shown in the following image

How To Change The Theme In Telegram

Before I explain how to change the theme in Telegram, you may not know what it is. Well, Telegram themes are sets of features that you can apply to your profile. It is best that you locate them and try them, to understand more clearly.

Look where it says “Themes”, and you will see that there are several options, go clicking on one or another and see how your interface changes. Switching from one to another is as simple as clicking on it. There are some default themes that appear directly in your account, but you can also install new themes or even create your own. But let’s take it step by step, we’ll see that later.

How To Change The Color Of Telegram

To find out how to change the color of Telegram you have to stay in “Chats”, as above. Do you see the colored circles that appear below the themes? That’s where you can change the color.

You will see that there are two types: with one color only, or with two shades. You can try them out and choose the option you like best. As in the previous cases you can preview them (as shown in the image) before applying the change.

How To Customize Telegram To Your Liking

In addition to the above tricks, there are other ways on how to customize Telegram to your liking that may interest you. Here are some examples:

  • You can change the size of the message text (by moving the top bar from left to right).
  • You can change the shape of the text squares in which sent and received messages appear (by moving the “Message corners” bar from left to right).
  • You can also choose whether you want to view the chat in two lines or in three (in the “Chat line view” section).

As for themes, you may be interested to know that you can install a new theme or even create your own. We give you the keys for both cases.

Create A New Theme In Telegram:

To create your own, press the three little dots at the top right, choose the “Create theme” option and choose a name.

Then, locate the palette icon (at the top right, as shown in the image above), and a series of parameters will appear, which you must select one by one, and customize them by choosing from the color palette.

Use A Theme Created In Telegram:

If you prefer to use a previously created theme, the easiest way is to join a Telegram chat called @ThemesChanel. In that group you will be able to see many themes already created, as well as share your own, and access the link through which you can apply it directly to your profile.

Both the themes that you have created yourself, as well as those you have obtained from Themes Channel, will appear along with the rest of the themes in the chat settings of your account.

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