How to create a new PayPal account without a credit or debit card? – Do it this way

If you have arrived here, it is because you are probably working for a foreign company, or remotely at home and you have been asked for a PayPal account and you do not know how to get it if you do not have a debit card. Today is your lucky day!!! because we are going to give you all the steps you need to have your PayPal account totally free, and without a debit or credit card.

How to get a personal PayPal account without associating a bank card?

If you want to create your PayPal account without associating a debit card, the first thing you should do is enter the main page and look for the option to open an account. Now, we invite you to follow the following steps to open your PayPal account either from a mobile device or from your computer.

From an Android or iOS mobile device

To open a PayPal account from your mobile device you have two options, one is to enter their website and register, the other is to download the mobile application, in this application you can register and manage your account easily, how to withdraw money and send them.

At the same time, through its mobile application, you can also make online purchases to different internet pages. As for example MercadoLibre, which allows you to pay through your PayPal account, which gives you the security you need to avoid being scammed by other people, through MercadoLibre; so it is always recommended to check the qualifications of the buyer and avoid future problems.

On a Windows or Mac computer

But if, on the contrary, you don’t want to install strange applications on your cell phone or you don’t have your cell phone at the moment, you can do it from your computer by first entering the main page.

After this you will click on the option where it says open account, then you will find that you will see 2 options, one of these is open personal and business account, it is up to you to decide what you need this account for.

After you choose the type of account you want to create; simply follow the steps that it indicates and this way you will get your PayPal account without the need of a debit card.

How can you get your money out of your PayPal account?

Now that you have your PayPal account open, you are probably wondering, but how can I get the money they send me if I don’t have a debit card? Well, stay here, and follow the next steps we will give you, this way you can get your money out easily and quickly.

From the Interbank website

If you do it from your computer, you will notice that at the moment of transferring your money you will be asked where you want to send your money, either to your personal account or to your bank account if you are a company. However, if you do it through their mobile app, you will notice that on their main page, there is the option to associate a card, in which you can associate your debit card.

In the case of other countries such as Colombia, there is another option which is Nequi, which through its mobile app, you can associate this account with PayPal and through it you can withdraw your funds paying a small commission, by transfer. 

Withdrawal options that have the accounts that associate the card with the card

When you associate your debit card to your PayPal account, the options they give you are that you can withdraw your money directly at the bank where you have associated your card, or through ATMs with your debit card.

They do charge a small fee for a money transfer in the case of the United States; the fee for withdrawing money through the debit card is 2.5% of the value to be withdrawn. 

On the other hand, we remind you that you should always be alert to your banking transactions, especially if you make them from the Internet, to avoid being a victim of cyber attacks, which can range from stealing your money to impersonating your identity.

How to link a card to a PayPal account to withdraw money?

In order to link your debit card to your PayPal account, you simply have to log in to their website or through your car, which will ask you for your password, to be able to do this operation if you do it through your cell phone. After this, look for the option that says withdrawals or transfers, then you will see some options, one of them is to associate a card, 

However, if you do it from your cell phone, this option will appear at the top before showing your balance. Once you are there, you must enter the data requested by the page, once you have them ready, you can spend your money, paying the commission, which will be automatically deducted. 

After this, a message will appear indicating that you must wait at least 1 to 5 days for the bank to call you and confirm your identity, so that the money can be transferred.

However, if for some reason you decide to eliminate your PayPal account, you must enter your control panel and look for the option to close your account and follow the steps described there, and close it definitively.

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