How to block an email sender at Comcast – Spam Filtering

Learn how to block an email sender at Comcast. We’ve all been inundated with spam at one time or another. Also known as unwanted mail, junk mail or unsolicited mail, it usually arrives to our e-mails and other instant messaging media almost automatically after visiting any web page.

Spam is frequently used to advertise products, among other things, and as its name indicates, it does not require a request to invade our web messaging.

In addition to consisting of annoying and unnecessary messages, spam is capable of getting in the way of the important messages we receive if we do not filter it, and can even cause important emails to go to the spam section.

Being aware of the problem that any kind of spam represents, we thought of helping those who still don’t know how to avoid it. For that reason, today at Learn How To we decided to bring you this article that will teach you how to block a spam email sender in Comcast.

How to mark an email within Comcast as spam?

Comcast is an American cable TV distribution corporation, being one of the largest in the nation; telephony and Internet, including instant messaging services, so when you hire them and create an email, you will receive unwanted emails as it is common with any other messaging network.  

Comcast, however, gives you the opportunity to mark these emails as unwanted and place them only in the spam section so that they do not occupy the place corresponding to your emails of real importance. To do this, you should proceed as follows:

Go to your Xfinity Connect (which is a Comcast proprietary application) archived email inbox. There you will see all the messages you have received, with a box next to them. You will have to check the ones you want to report as unwanted.

Once you have checked them, you will have to click on the Mark as Spam button, represented by an icon of a message envelope with the forbidden symbol located to its right. They will automatically be transferred to the spam folder and reported as such.

At that time, you will receive warnings about what will happen to the emails you marked as unwanted, such as, for example, that it will be deleted after seven days of being sent to the spam folder.

Fortunately, in case you have marked an incorrect email as unwanted, you will have this time to unmark it.

How can I set up a spam filter on Comcast?

The advantage of having Comcast mail, you will be able to set up spam filters to get rid of unwanted mail and even create a custom one, as long as you have the Xfinity Connect application to set up the filters. The first step is to log in to Xfinity Connect and go to settings. Among the options, you will choose Filter Rules and then where it says Add a new rule.

You will have to name the rule and then Add condition to specifically define what you want to filter. You will also have to configure the settings and enter the words that you want to be filtered as part of the spam.

Next you will set what you want to do with the messages that are wanted, such as whether to keep it or not, where to place it, etc., then proceed with what will happen to the unwanted mail and finally save the spam filter.

How do I set up a safe list for future messages?

As you have seen, in order to protect future emails of great relevance, it is also possible to configure a safe list for your messages.

This will be done from the part of the spam filter settings that sets what you expect to happen to those incoming emails that you can forward and that are not categorized as spam if you want them to remain safely in the inbox.

However, with this filter it can happen that by mistake some mail that is not spam is taken as spam, therefore, it is a good idea to configure a folder only for spam mail that does not delete them automatically, but that you do it yourself by entering this trash.

In this way, you will be able to make sure that no important message is received as spam and is deleted before you notice it to return it to the white list of messages.

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