Why Gmail Shows Pending In My Inbox

Find out what “pending” means in Gmail

Gmail is one of the most popular and widely used email services today. If you have sent one or more emails and they appear as “pending” you may be wondering why does Gmail show pending? We explain what is happening below.

One of the indispensable tools in the day to day to facilitate communication are email services. And among all of them, Google’s Gmail has become one of the most popular. It is currently available in more than 50 languages and the inbox can be accessed from both cell phones and computers. It is compatible with browsers such as Safari, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, etc.

If you have not yet started using this platform you can easily create your own account. If you already use it, you can take advantage of all the features such as archiving emails, labeling, scheduling or undoing mailings, etc. When you use Gmail it can happen that you get a “pending” message after you have sent an email. If you are in this situation and you are wondering why does Gmail show “pending”? Here is the answer.

In Gmail the message “pending” appears when the email has not been sent. So we can say that it is waiting to leave your email account to reach the recipient.

Emails Stay In The Gmail Outbox

Once you know why in Gmail I get pending you may need to know why emails are staying in Gmail outbox.

If your emails are not leaving the Gmail outbox and therefore are not being sent, it is clear that something is wrong. It could be that your internet connection is failing or it could also be that you don’t have enough memory on your phone to be able to send those emails. In the latter case you should free up memory by deleting, for example, images or files from your device.

It may also happen that the emails remain in the outbox because the recipient’s address is not correctly set or that the weight of what you attach is quite large and needs time to be sent.

What Does Uploading Mean In Gmail

If you are also wondering what uploading in Gmail means, here is the answer so that you know what is happening on your email server.

When the message “uploading” appears in Gmail it means that the file you are attaching is being uploaded. The larger and heavier the file and depending on the internet connection you have the more or less time it will take to upload the file. Uploading files is the usual action when attaching documents or images together with the text of an e-mail.

Why Am I Not Receiving Messages In Gmail From My Cell Phone?

If you are working on the Gmail platform from your phone and there is no way to send emails, you may be wondering why I can’t send messages in Gmail from my cell phone? Why do I get a pending message in Gmail? Here are some of the causes of what may be happening.

The first thing that can happen is that you don’t have internet connection and that’s why messages are not being sent. If you have activated airplane mode to save battery power, messages cannot be sent. Likewise, if you are in a place with poor coverage and your emails have images or heavy documents, they will not be sent correctly.

In addition, it may happen that you do not have enough memory in your cell phone to be able to send emails. For that you should free up space by deleting some photos and also check how full is the download folder of your mobile device.

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