How To Avoid Whatsapp Reaction Notifications

Want to know how to avoid WhatsApp reactions notifications? Find out how to quickly disable them

As with any new feature, many users have rushed to test the novelty of reactions, which can be a torment. Learning how to avoid notifications of WhatsApp reactions can be key to avoid us more than one headache, especially if someone warns in a group that you can now react to each message and all members begin to test it.

To disable notifications of WhatsApp reactions, the first thing we have to do is press the icon with three dots that we find when we open the application at the top right of the screen. Once that menu is displayed, we will enter ‘Settings’ to be able to enter the custom settings of WhatsApp.

We select the ‘Notifications’ section and scroll down until we see the new option added. We will have to make sure that the ‘Reaction notifications’ tab is disabled, as in the image, so that we do not receive more notices that someone has reacted to our WhatsApp message with a smiley emoji, sad or with a simple like.

Of course, we must keep in mind, as always when we modify the WhatsApp settings, that the application distinguishes between messages from individual chats and groups. To disable notifications of reactions in WhatsApp groups we will have to do a little more scroll down in the same section of ‘Notifications’, and we will see that there is a section for ‘Groups’ in which we can also modify the notifications we want to receive.

How To Send Reactions Via Whatsapp

It is also likely that you have suddenly come across these reactions because some contact of yours has started using them and you want to know how to send reactions by WhatsApp. This new feature was included in the application recently with the aim of trying to reduce dispensable messages in all types of conversations, both individual and group.

To be able to send a reaction by WhatsApp, you just have to press and hold the message of your contact to which you want to react and a floating bubble with the six emojis that WhatsApp has enabled at first for their reactions will be displayed. At first there were going to be only five, but in the end the application owned by Meta added one more emoji to the list.

The six possibilities with which you can react to messages from your contacts or the groups of which you are part are the famous ‘like’, the heart, the emoji of laughter, the surprise, the sad face with a tear and the emoji of praying, which is often used also to ask something please and has a great acceptance among users with a different meaning to the original, as happens with so many others.

With this new feature, WhatsApp is a little more similar to Facebook, where the reactions were already fully established, and presents a similar format to the reactions of other applications such as Telegram. Of course, in Telegram there is a greater possibility of choosing emojis with which to react, just like in Discord. It will be a matter of time before WhatsApp catches up and continues to include emojis to react and thus make communication more fluid without the need to write more words.

The vast majority of devices, both Android and iOS, already present the WhatsApp update with the reactions, so if you still do not have them, consider downloading the latest version. In case they are still not available, it is likely that your device is starting to get too old and the apps no longer offer updates for it.

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