How to cancel your Life360 subscription on iPhone without losing all features?

Life360 is a special location application for families whose function is to keep all registered users connected, allowing each one to have control of the location in which they are.

Created as a security tool, it can be used by both iPhone and Android devices; although its free version works quite well, some features must be paid, however there comes a time when it is no longer useful for the user and prefers to cancel the subscription, this is what today we will show you how to do. 

How to use only the most basic features of Life360?

Like any other application, Life360 has a free version and a premium version. The premium version provides a larger number of security tools that tend to be really useful but not fundamental. To get this premium version you have to pay a monthly subscription.

However, the basic features of Life360 are quite comprehensive and the best way to enjoy them is to use the free version. 

Using only the free version

The first thing you need to have active on your phone when using Life360 is the geolocation of your iPhone. Only by using the free version of this app you will be able to perform the following actions: 

  • Track a lost phone. 
  • View the location of your family members associated with each circle in the application. 
  • Chat with family members in groups or privately.
  • Receive notifications when one of the members has arrived somewhere.

What do I need to consider to cancel my Life360 subscription?

To have a subscription to Life360 it is necessary that your iOS device has a number of features, among them and the most important is to have the iOS 11.0. version or higher. The same happens when you want to cancel the subscription previously made. You must also cancel it days before your billing date so that it is not done again by mistake. The steps to remove the subscription on an iOS 12.1.4 are as follows:

  • Cancellation on iOS 12.1.4 or later simpler.
  • Head over and open the App Store app.
  • Tap on your profile icon located at the top right of the screen.
  • Locate the ‘Manage Subscriptions’ option and start searching for the app.
  • Select Life360n and click on ‘Cancel Subscription’.

As you can see, it is a fairly easy procedure, it is important that you can perform this series of steps and not simply delete the application because by doing so, the subscription is still present on the platform and the charges will still be billed, the same happens if you only want to delete the circles to which you belong. 

What are the steps to unsubscribe from Life360 on older iPhone versions?

For older versions of iPhone (those corresponding to iOS 12.1.3 or lower) the steps are practically the same, only that to access it is a little more complex, but we explain it well below. 

  • The first thing you have to do is go to the iPhone settings.
  • Press your name in the Apple ID and select iCloud.
  • Then select the iTunes and App Store option.
  • Already inside the App Store, make sure you are connected to the wifi network. 
  • Press Apple ID now, you may have to authenticate it, then press where it says ‘View Apple ID’.
  • Locate the ‘Subscriptions’ option and then Life360.
  • Once inside the app just press ‘Cancel Subscription’.

Cancel your subscription on Android

If you want to cancel your Life360 subscription from your Android, the process is much simpler and faster. You can even do it over the phone. The easiest option is to log in to your Google Play account and then ‘Subscriptions’ when you enter subscriptions just look for the Life360 app and cancel it.

To cancel by call you just need to contact Google Wallet at 855-836-3987 or by pressing #1 and follow the steps they will explain to you to cancel the subscription. Remember that you have to do this on a date far from the date established to charge, this way you avoid the subscription to fall again and have to pay for something you no longer want to use. 

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