How to combine various shapes in PowerPoint and create professional presentations

If you want to combine shapes and make professional presentations, in today’s article we will show you how to use the tools that PowerPoint offers you. In this way, you will be able to achieve it in an easy and simple way, just follow these steps that we will show you below.

Before you start, keep in mind that with the advanced options you have, with this program you will be able to convert slides into images and use them in any platform you want. As an additional feature, you can also customize the colors of the themes you have on the slide.

What to do to combine shapes in PowerPoint according to your computer’s operating system?

If you want to make different PowerPoint presentations, you have to take into account the steps to follow, which are relatively the same in almost all operating systems, without forgetting that you can also protect the slides in PowerPoint so that they are not changed.

In Windows

  • First you have to select the shape you are going to combine, then you have to hold down the Shift key while selecting the shapes separately.
  • Then go to the Format tab of the Drawing Tool and locate the Insert Shapes option and select Combine Shapes.

For macOS

  • Select with the Shift key the different shapes that you are going to combine, then you will be shown the Format Shapes tab, keep in mind that it will only appear when you have selected the Shape you want.
  • In the Format Shapes tab you will click on Combine Shapes and choose the options you want such as: merge, draw or combine an image, fragment, subtract and form intersection.
  • What other options will you find in the ‘Combine Shapes’ menu and how is each one displayed?
  • As far as options are concerned, PowerPoint provides you with many settings that you can work on and develop your creativity further when making a presentation. However, this program is also focused so that you can put a password to the files so you do not have the worry that they can view or modify it.

Shape Merge

This option will allow you to merge the shapes you have selected and you will be able to use it as a comparison or any other way you want to show using what you have already selected, follow these steps to know how to merge the shapes:

  • You have to open a slide where you will show the merging of the shapes.
  • Go to the insert tab
  • Expand the shape menu and select the one you want to display
  • Select the shapes you placed on the slide and go to the Format Shapes tab
  • Click on the Combine Shapes button.

Fragment two or more shapes

  • On a slide insert the shape you want, it can be a circle and then a star.
  • Then select both shapes
  • You will go to the Format tab, in the Combine Shape option you will select Split.
  • The image will be split, now click on any of the shapes like the star and change the color and repeat the same action all around the edge of the shape.
  • You can also delete any angle of the figure
  • With this fragment option you can divide the shapes in two or more by all the contours, getting more shapes and giving it the design you want.

Intersect selected shapes

  • The first step you have to do is to create the shape, go to the insert option and select the shape you want, you will have to repeat this step because you need two shapes and you have to put one next to the other.
  • Select both shapes at the same time, then go to the format tab and press intercept.
  • after selecting this option you will have created a new shape and if you want you can modify it and use it as you like by changing the borders, its size and color.

Subtract shapes

This tool will allow you to combine many shapes that you attach to the slide and when you go to the format tab and select Subtract, it will show you the shape that was created on your slide, with this option you can decorate entries, make designs with messages and other things.

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