How To Send Audio Messages On Tinder

[web_stories title=”true” excerpt=”false” author=”false” date=”false” archive_link=”true” archive_link_label=”” circle_size=”150″ sharp_corners=”false” image_alignment=”left” number_of_columns=”1″ number_of_stories=”5″ order=”DESC” orderby=”post_title” view=”circles” /]All those who have ever wondered how to send audio messages on Tinder will have been disappointed. Find out how to solve it

It often happens that being used to the operation of an application and we take for granted that all work the same, which has led many users to wonder how to send audio messages on Tinder. Wanting to use this app to flirt and meet people just like WhatsApp or Facebook is inevitable in this day and age, but you quickly come to a rather discouraging conclusion, and that is that in Tinder there is no option to send voice notes.

Why Can’t I Send Audio Messages On Tinder?

Why can’t I send audio messages on Tinder? The company has never specified it, but one possibility is that it is considered something quite intrusive at first when trying to meet someone completely unknown. It’s not the same to send an audio to a family member, a friend or a co-worker, with whom you are supposed to have already had interaction, than to do it with that person who has first caught your attention because of their photos or profile.

Are there alternatives? There always are in the world of apps. Without leaving Tinder, when we are chatting with a match we can make a video call. It is not strictly like sending audio, but we can make it a voice-only call if we cover the camera, something that we should specify with the contact to be both on equal terms. To make a video call in Tinder, we just have to press the button with the camera icon that we will find at the top of the conversation. At that moment our match will receive an invitation that he/she can accept or reject.

Alternatives To Send Audio Messages To Tinder Matches

The other more plausible alternative is to ask the match for their phone number to add them to WhatsApp or follow their Facebook or Instagram profiles. In these two applications you can send audio notes, so it never hurts to ask, and in passing you will check to what extent the other person is interested in getting to know you -or if they prefer to exchange written messages for a while longer-.

Many users are clamoring for the arrival of this feature to be able to send voice notes via Tinder through social networks or in their reviews on Google Play and the App Store, so it’s not out of the question that in the future we will see an update where this can be done, but for the moment we have to resort to more imaginative alternatives.

Dating Apps That Allow You To Send Audios

There are other applications for flirting that allow you to send audios, although in Spain the main option is Tinder, so those who use them should know that the number of potential contacts with whom they can chat will be much smaller by force. One of them is Bumble, which has a rather curious particularity, and that is that it is women who have to take the first step.

Another application that does allow sending audios to the contacts with whom conversation is established is Badoo, a veteran in the world of flirting and meeting new people, although it has lost some traction in Spain and much of the world before the undeniable success of Tinder.

In the case of Badoo, users who can send audio notes are those who have the application installed, since in its desktop version this function is not enabled. Without the app on your device, you will not be able to listen to the audios that other users send you in the desktop version, so in order to meet people using your skills with voice notes you know what to do.

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